As your study of the New Testament progresses you may wish to investigate the language of “Koine Greek,” the language of the New Testament. The following Bible commentary resources will not make you an expert on New Testament Greek, but they may help you come to a better understanding of the Greek text.
Linguistic Key to the Greek New Testament (Rienecker and Rogers)
Bible Words and Theological Terms Made Easy (Wayne Jackson)
A Theological Wordbook of the Bible (Richardson)
Christian Words (Nigel Turner)
The Expositor’s Greek Testament (4 volumes)
Wuest’s Word Studies (4 volumes)
Dictionary of New Testament Theology by Colin Brown (4 volumes)
Exegetical Dictionary of the New Testament (three volume)
Theological Lexicon of the New Testament by Spicq (3 volumes)
Robertson’s Word Pictures on the New Testament (4 volumes)
Vincent’s Word Studies of the New Testament (4 volumes)
Kittel’s Theological Dictionary of the New Testament (abridged edition)
Kittle Theological Dictionary of the New Testament (unabridged edition)
Thayer’s Greek-English Lexicon of the New Testament
A Greek English Lexicon of the New Testament and Other Early Christian Literature (Bauer)
Synonyms of the New Testament (Trench)
Gob bless this ministry.
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Thank God for such websites!
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