Sermon on the healing of the centurion’s servant (Mt. 8)
Audio sermon on Mt. 8 (a sick servant healed)
Titles of Jesus
Understanding Jesus by His titles
Old Testament Predictions of who Jesus would be
Old Testament Prophecies about Jesus’ identity
Death, resurrection, and kingdom prophecies
Old Testament prophecies about Jesus’ death, resurrection, and the kingdom
Woe unto you, scribes and Pharisees, hypocrites ASV
Audio Bible commentary on Matthew 23:23-36
Why pay attention to numbers in the Bible?
A study of Bible numerology
Old Testament predictions of Jesus’ death (part 2)
Predictions about the Messiah’s death
Predictions of Jesus’ death (part 1)
The Old Testament said Jesus would die for sin
Old Testament prophecies of Jesus’ life
What the Old Testament says about Jesus
Audio Bible commentary on Revelation 7:1-8
Audio Bible study on Revelation 7:1-8