2020 Vision “Glorify God” Revelation 22:1-5

    With the changes that come in life, it will help us move in the right direction if we stay focused on what is important. That’s why we start in 2020 with what is most important, why we focus our vision on what is most important and we begin at the beginning: worshiping God.


    Who is God? If we begin at the beginning, then God is the Creator. “Let there be light,” and there was light. God opened His mouth and things happened, things came into existence from absolutely nothing (Psalm 33:6-8).

    Who is God? God is the Sustainer. He brings water out of rocks and sends bread from heaven and blows quail in from nowhere, in order to sustain His people (Exo. 16:4-7, 13-18; 17:5-7).

    There is a connection between being sustained by God and fearing God (Deut. 8:4, 6). You respect God because He takes care of you. You praise God because He takes care of you.

    Jesus comes along and tells us that He is the bread of life that sustains us (John 6:29-40).  Jesus continues to sustain us. He told us that He is the bread of life and He tells us that we should not worry about what we can eat or what we can drink or what we need to wear (Matt. 6:31). People who don’t have a heavenly Father worry about those things! Our Father knows that we need those things, even before we ask Him! Our God sustains us.

    Because of Who God is, we respect Him and we praise Him.


    I want to first illustrate what God does by taking us back to the exodus out of Egypt, specifically to the beginning of the Passover meal with Israel (Exo. 12:23-27). Notice that God tells Israel that every time, every year, when they observe the Passover, the parents, the adults, are supposed to remind the children that the reason they take the Passover meal is because God brought them out of Egypt. At the end of the OT, God was still reminding Israel what He had done for them in the exodus (Micah 6:4).

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    In the same way, you and I still glorify God for what He continues to do for us through Jesus Christ. Let’s take a look at Romans 3:23-26; 5:10-11; 6:6-7; 8:34).

    Because of what God does for us, we love Him and we worship Him. 


    Jesus told His disciples in John 14, words that are familiar to us (14:1-4). 

    Let’s take a look at what Jesus went to prepare for us. Let’s read Revelation 21:10-21. Now let’s jump down to Revelation 22:1-5. In Revelation 22, God concludes this whole revelation of Himself and His plan to save man, the whole Bible, with a description of heaven, which we have just read, and these other ideas: 22:7, 12-14, 18-21.

    God has prepared a beautiful place called heaven and He offers that to us freely if we will listen to His message and do what Jesus tells us to do.

    Because of what God has prepared for us, we thank Him and we follow Him.

    Let’s focus our vision on praising God, worshiping Him, and following His lead because we respect Him, we love Him, and we are thankful to Him.

Paul Holland

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