7 Reasons to Believe in God, pt. 1

One of the major philosophical debates in the world centers on the nature of truth. One side argues that truth is objective. It is discovered through rational observation and collection of data that is then processed according to established principles of logic. Since it is objective, it may be known by anyone willing to make the effort to pursue it correctly.

On the other side of the debate, some argue that truth is subjective. It is knowable only through personal experiences that are then filtered through one’s own emotions. Since it is subjective, there may be multiple “truths” in a given situation, each one equally valid, even if logically they contradict one another.

The sides of this debate weigh heavily on the discussion of God’s existence. Can a person know God exists? If it is true that God exists, is that truth subjective (possible to know personally but not universally) or objective (universally knowable)?

The inspired writers offer many reasons to believe in God. For the majority of those living throughout history, belief in God was assumed universally. “Atheism” as it exists today did not really appear in ancient cultures. The Bible’s writers present their belief in God in ways that appeal both to logic and emotion. Biblical faith in God involves accepting objective truth, but that does not mean biblical faith is impersonal.

Having established that biblical faith rests on objective truths, here is the first of seven reasons to believe in God: He has revealed Himself in the World (Psalm 19:1–6). In Psalm 19, David points to the natural world as evidence or proof of God’s glory. David’s point is not so much that God exists (this he already assumes), but that the heavens and the celestial bodies within them (sun, moon, and stars) fulfilling their purposes announce God’s glory. In Romans 1:20, Paul explicitly argues that God’s attributes, and thus His very existence, are revealed in the creation.

There is wisdom in beginning with creation when proving the existence of God. Many people do not accept the Bible as inspired. They do not believe God exists at all. Looking at the world provides an opportunity to discuss God’s existence outside of the many debates surrounding the Bible.

Order, beauty, and balance – these are but a few of the attributes of God reflected in the creation. Additionally, there are entire classes of argumentation for the existence of God that find their foundations in appealing to the creation or aspects of it. These include cosmological, teleological, and moral arguments for the existence of God. God has revealed Himself in the world; believe in Him!

Clay Leonard

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