Sermon on the cross of Christ

Six hours on the cross

a)    Jesus died the most famous death in all of history, but there are some facts that we do not have.
b)    We have more details about Jesus’ burial than His crucifixion.
2)    For instance, we do not know what Jesus’ cross looked like.
3)    We also do not know what kind of fastener was used to attach Jesus to the cross.
4)    We may have a lot of images in our head, but the Bible details are really somewhat limited.
5)    Luke 23:33 simply says “there they crucified Him.”
6)    Today we want to think about the standpoint from the number of hours Jesus was on the cross.
7)    Mk. 15:25 says Jesus was crucified at the “third hour” (9 a.m.).
8)    Mk. 15:33-37 then describes some events that take us to the “9th hour” (3 p.m.), the time Jesus died.
a)    In the Bible these six hours are divided in half.
b)    Mk. 15:33 – READ
9)    Let’s look at what was taking place while Jesus was on the cross.
a)    We are given some information about soldiers who were dividing up Jesus’ garments (Jn. 19:23).
b)    John said these men were fulfilling prophecy (verse 24).
c)    Jn. 19:23-24 – READ
d)    Would he want to wear a reminder that He had had put to death the Son of God?
e)    Who would want to show off or try to sell a coat that represented crucifying the world’s Messiah?
f)    The Lord’s death and the information in Jn. 19 is a good reminder to us about gambling.
g)    Jn.19 reminds us that are two basic classes of people when it comes to Jesus.
10)    Some are like the soldiers.  They like and do what people in the world typically do.
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a)    Matthew tells us (27:38) that Jesus was crucified with “two robbers.”
b)    Mt. 27:39 – READ   Verse 40 – READ
c)    Verse 41 – READ
d)    These men said to Jesus some of the worst things that any person could have said.
e)    Notice verse 42 – READ
f)    These leaders were implying that Jesus was a fake; He was washed up.
g)    They also indicated that God did not support Him – verse 43 – READ
12)    How long did these insults last?  How many insults was Jesus exposed to?
13)    Even the thieves who were being crucified railed at Jesus – verse 44 – READ
a)    Before we start condemning these people, what about us?
b)    Are we not sometimes guilty of the same thing?
14)    If we believe that Jesus is the Son of God, do we really try to live for Him?
15)    Do we try to surrender our lives and say, “I intend to live as one of your people”?
16)    People “railed” at Jesus.
17)    Today there are those that still use the Lord’s name to rail.
a)    Those who act in this way do not say Jesus is a liar, a deceiver and hated by God.
b)    The people I have in mind take the Lord’s name in vain.
c)    Jesus died.  Those soldiers at the cross also eventually died.
d)    The disciples that were near the cross died.
18)    One day we will die or Jesus will return.
19)    Are we ready for that time?

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