Our God He is Alive

1) Consider the opening words: a God, concealed from human sight.
a) No one here has ever seen God in the sense that we can “see” one another.
b) Our evidence for God is not empirical.
c) We know that some things exist because we can touch, smell, see, or hear them.
d) In 1 Jn. 1:1 John said people had heard, seen, and touched Jesus.
e) Our evidence for God is not based on the physical senses.
2) This fact has caused some to say in modern times that God does not exist.
3) The God of the Bible is alive and it is in HIM THAT WE LIVE AND WE SURVIVE.
4) It was this God who made man form the DUST.
5) The chorus closes by saying HE IS OUR GOD and He is the GREAT I AM.
6) We do not believe in electricity or gravity because we can see the things.
7) In a similar way we can and believe in the God of the Bible because of what He has done.
8) The law of biogenesis says “life comes from life” and “things come from their own kind.”
9) If there is not a supreme creator, what is the origin or source of life?
10) Moreover, since all things produce after their kind, how did humanity come along?
11) There is only one answer to our questions – the God of the Bible created human life – Adam and Eve.
12) Scientific law makes a compelling case for a creator.
a) Even the information in and about the Bible argues for a creator.
b) About 40 or so men over a period of thousands of years all wrote about one key topic.
c) These men were from different backgrounds and spoke at least three different languages.
d) These men also made predictions, some of which were offered hundreds of years in advance.
e) The book produced by these men is without error and without equal in the world.
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14) Rom. 1:20 says God’s power and deity and made known through the creation.
a) God not only exists, we see from the second stanza that He has communicated with man.
b) Our hymn says God’s “voice was heard by the prophets” and this is right, Heb. 1:1.
c) Heb. 1:2 says the time of speaking through the prophets has come to an end..
d) Now the Hebrew writer said God has spoken through His “Son.”
e) Historians leave no doubt that Jesus of Nazareth was a real person.
15) Our hymn should remind us that some changes have taken place in the world.
16) God used to use prophets and spiritual gifts; now we have Christ and the perfect word.
17) This word is what tells us about the “God whose son on a tree, a life was willing there to give.”
18) This word tells us about His willingness to set men “free” from sin so man could “live” (4th stanza).

19) In the third line of our hymn there is a rather strange expression.
20) “God holds the germ within his hand.”
21) We may search and search to understand some things, but we will never find them.
22) God holds some secrets such as “life” within His hand.
23) We may pursue a way that seems right or good to us, but the end is destruction (Prov. 14:12).
24) The right way is God’s way, even if there are some things we do not fully comprehend.
25) We have faith in the God who “tinted skies with heavenly hue” and we seek to serve Him.
26) How sad to sing about the great God but not be one of His people.

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