Women and headcoverings, First Corinthians 11

It is pretty obvious to most people that the passage about head covering in 1 Corinthians 11:1-16 has to do with the chain of authority, and that if a woman wants to wear an artificial covering to show that she is the 4th link in the chain, she should do it 24/7.  Or maybe women who do not wear the artificial covering all the time believe they are only under their husbands during church services…

One astute sister had some additional arguments that make sense:

Concerning the head covering: 15 But if a woman has long hair, it is a glory to her; for her hair is given to her for a covering.

Some sisters prefer a man-made covering to the one the Lord gave them. I have often wondered if women who think they have to wear a cloth head covering wear it when they go to bed…..or do they not ever pray in their beds?  Do they keep it nearby all the time so they can snatch it on if they have the urge to pray?  Or do they wear it all the time so they can pray without ceasing?
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It is so much easier to just wear the covering God gave us…. we have it on ALL the time. Besides I never read anywhere that we could substitute what we wanted for what He wants.


–Beth Johnson

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