George Washington, the father of America

The Father’s Humility

George Washington – as you well know – is rightly portrayed as the “Father of our Country.” I wish to share an anecdote with you that illustrates his character, specifically his humility. May we emulate the Christian virtues we see around us as they are a reflection of the nature of God (cf. 1 Corinthians 11:1).

Early in the Revolutionary War, General Washington had a series of misfortunes. The Patriots lost Boston and they lost New York. They were, early at least, no match for the professionally trained British army.

During these emotionally-trying times, General Washington needed a confidante. This was in the summer, June, of 1776. He turned to his adjutant general, Joseph Reed. Reed, himself, harbored his own doubts about Washington’s ability to effectively lead the military.  Joseph Reed, in turn, confided those doubts to Charles Lee, an ambitious and cocky man in his own right.

In November, Washington sent a letter to Lee, asking for help in Philadelphia. Reed slipped his own note into the satchel with Washington’s letter to Lee. In this letter, Reed suggested to Lee that General Washington’s own staff did not have much confidence in him and that he was too irresolute. Reed even suggested that it was to the praise of Lee that America’s army was still able to fight! Reed also advocated that he and Lee should go to Congress and form a new army.

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You can imagine how hurt and let down Washington felt. But here’s an indication of the man inside the man. He wrote a letter to Reed and sent along the letter from Lee. In that letter, he made no reference to Reed’s opinion of him and assured him that he had not inclination nor intention to read the private letter. In essence, Washington was apologizing to the man who owed him an apology! How mature is that?

In took about six months for Reed to acknowledge and apologize to Washington for his indiscretion and Washington accepted the apology.

Humility. The English word comes from the Latin which means “soil” or “earth.” It also gives us the word humus. It means to lower yourself for the benefit of another.

“Humble yourselves before the Lord, and he will exalt you” (James 4:10). I am still reading Washington: A Life by Ron Chernow. We’ll see how the relationship between Washington and Reed develops. But we all know how it ends with Washington. First, humility, then exaltation.

–Paul Holland

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