Does man have free-will?

Freedom of choice


1) About 1600 years ago there was a great religious controversy about free-will.
a) One group claimed man has the ability (free-will) to turn from sin and seek God’s forgiveness
b) A second group claimed sin caused man to be unable to choose God so supernatural aid was needed.
c) Members of Abraham’s family had chosen to worship idols (Josh. 24:2).
d) Joshua suggested the people of his day choose the God of the Bible and put away idols (24:14).
e) Josh. 24:15 – READ
2) The choice about God needs to be decisive – verse 23 – READ


a) Lk. 10 – some information about Mary and Martha.
b) Martha is described as “being cumbered about with much serving” (Lk. 10:40).
c) The Lord told Martha (Lk. 10:41) she was “anxious and troubled about many things.”
d) Then Jesus said (Lk. 10:42) Mary had “chosen” (used her free-will) to pick the good part.”
2) Sometimes we are presented with at least two options and one is “better” than the other.
a) If we look back at the past week, what kinds of choices have we made over the last 7 days?
b) Did we regularly try to “choose the good part” (make the best choices) when we had options?
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a) Esther; she became a queen – Est. 2.
4) Est. 4:16 – “I go in unto the king, which is not according to the law: and if I perish, I perish.”
5) Esther reminds us that some of our life choices can be very, very difficult or dangerous.
6) Some choices will not be hard to make, but trying to explain them to someone may not be easy.
7) Parents need to make the godly, good and hard choices when it comes to their children.
8) In Mk. 10:16-26 – a man who “ran” to the Lord.
9) Verse 17 – READ
10) The person who came to the Lord “kneeled” before Him.
11) Mark tells us the person he described wanted “eternal life.”
12) Verse 19 tells us this man “knew the commandments,” some of which are listed in verse 19.
13) After hearing Jesus’ answer this man made a confession – verse 20 – READ

14) Most present this morning can name a young person who made some bad choices.
15) Perhaps we are someone who is no longer in the “youthful years” & made many bad choices.
16) Verse 21 in Mk. 10 – READ
a) Imagine being a person who has used his free-will to make all kinds of excellent choices.
b) Yet, there is still yet one more “good choice” we have not used our free-will to make.
c) Are we in some respects like the young man here in Mk. 10?
d) Have we made many or most good choices in life, but there is still something which is really amiss?

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