1. Rom. 2:17-20 – READ
2. Many of the words in these verses almost beg to be underlined.
1) Jesus said His people are “the light of the world” (Mt. 5:14).
2) He also said, “Let your light shine before men” (Mt. 5:16).
3) “Walk as children of light” (Eph. 5:8).
4) If we want to know what being part of the “light” means, Rom. 2 is a pretty good place to go.
Being in the light means we “know” God’s will and we “approve” what is excellent.
5) Being part of the light means we work to be a “guide to the blind” and a “light” to those in darkness.
6) Rom. 2:20 tells us being part of the “light” means we are a “corrector of the foolish.”
7) Three key areas where our light is needed: God and worship, salvation and morality.
8) The next time we meet up with someone who does not believe in God, don’t stay silent.
9) Our light is also needed when it comes to the identity of a supreme being.
10) When it comes to basic truths about God and the Bible, we need to stand up for the truth.
11) Other religious faiths.
12) Whether it is at school, work, our neighborhood, we should always be ready to “turn on the light.
If someone were to tell us, “My church does or believes,” we should be prepared to turn on our light.
i) We might ask a person what “their church” is? Is “their church” the church we read about in the Bible?
13) Some comments about God and worship may be remarks we are tempted to let slide.
i) Suppose someone were to say to us tomorrow, “Yesterday we had the best band ever at worship.”
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14) We might be told our light is unwanted. We might be told our light is “too bright” and “take it away.”
The idea of “light” in Rom. 2 is specifically associated with correcting people.
1) Perhaps within just the past few days someone said to us or we were told about a person:
2) “Accept Jesus into your heart” or “say the sinner’s prayer.”
3) Maybe we saw a tract on a desk which claimed salvation is by “faith only.”
4) People need to hear that “faith alone does not save” (Jas. 2:24).
5) People need to hear that true faith is obedient faith (Rom. 1:5).
6) Those who have been told that faith plus obedience merits salvation need to be told they have been deceived.
7) The world is filled with people who felt badly for their sins and they believe their sorrow is enough for forgiveness.
8) Man needs “sorrow for sin” (2 Cor. 7:10) is not all that is required. Paul said sorrow simply “leads” to repentance.
9) As we try to eliminate darkness for faith and repentance, we also need to be watch for error about confession.
10) The false ideas about confession are bad, but baptism is where the darkness can be especially abundant.
1) If we have become a Christian, the world will not like it because this means we are bucking their system.
2) The world hopes we will keep our light locked and be a hypocrite. It hopes we will fall on our face and fail.
3) What kind of “light” are we?