- In the book of Job we have information about weather – cold weather.
- The “land of Uz” (Job 1:1), from what we can tell, was in the area of Arabia.
- This climate in area is not like where we live; temperatures there are warmer instead of colder.
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- MORE times than any other book in the Bible and this seems incredibly strange.
- Job 22:15-16 – READ
- Job (verse 15) knew about “wicked men” as well as the past.He said these wicked people were “snatched away” before “their time.”
- The end of verse 16 says, “whose foundation was poured out as a stream.”
- These verses are generally understood to describe the flood experienced by Noah.
- The effects of a worldwide flood could have caused the climate Job lived in to be altered.
- Job may have lived during an “ice age” and perhaps within 500 or so years of the Genesis flood.
- Job 38:29-30 – READ
- Job was familiar with ice and frost.
- He spoke about the “surface of water” freezing.
- There was flood, Job knew about it, Job spoke about it, and it seems the flood changed the climate.
- Local floods do not cause the type of changes described in Job; a global flood would.
- Dimensions for the ark are provided in Gen. 6:14-16.
- The dimensions used by Noah (early in man’s history) are nautically sound.
- The estimate cargo space on Noah’s ark was close to 3 million cubic feet.
- 1,000 box cars is the approximate amount of space available in Noah’s ark.
- 60% of all known living creatures are in the water.
- 95% of our fossils (many of which go back to the flood) are marine creatures.
- Of the 40% of the creatures which live on land, 70 out of 100 are insects.
- John Woodmorappe wrote a book (Noah’s Ark: A Feasibility Study).
- At most, 16,000 animals were involved with the ark. Other estimates suggest 35,000.
- If the described animals were really all on the ark, how did Noah collect them? Gen. 6:20
- Where did water come from?
- There was room for cisterns.
- The Chinese have used bamboo for pipes for thousands of years.
- How did everyone breathe (the window in the ark could have met this need).
- What was done with animal waste (this may have dropped below the animals like modern pet shops).According to Gen. 6:16, the ark had 3 levels.
- The Chinese have used bamboo for pipes for thousands of years.
- How could just 8 people care for thousands of animals?
- The ark was real, Noah and his family were real, and a global flood really happened.