The Ultimate Icon: Human Evolution

    Paleontology is the study of ancient man. It has been referred to as the most “subjective” of all the biological sciences. That is, there are more feelings and opinions in paleontology than hard facts. William Fix, a science writer, says: “one would have thought that the history of this field was an unbroken string of triumphant verifications; instead it is mostly a catalogue of fiascoes” (pg 4).

    Here are just two of the weaknesses in the current story of human evolution.


    Consider the “Piltdown Man” – Often times, scientists will say, “Science is self-correcting.” Yes it is, if you are open-minded, not blinded by ideology. But consider how many people were deceived by this fraud! It took 40 years for the truth to come to light!

    A very modern book I have just finished reading: Gap: The Science of What Separates Us from the Animals, published just in 2013, continues to use Java Man as an example of human evolution! (pg. 252). It was not very long after Java Man was discovered in the late 1800s that it was proven that the teeth and femur were human but the skullcap was of a monkey! Yet, “Java Man” is still be promulgated as a “link” in the chain of human evolution!


    The drawings of “ape-men” are an artist’s rendering. Do not let this point go in one ear and out the other! Evolutionist and anthropologist Frederick Hulse, who taught at Arizona State University at the time he wrote his textbook wrote in The Human Species: An Introduction to Physical Anthropology: “…the reconstruction of an entire animal from some small bony fragment is out of the question” (Hulse, 79). He continues: “At the same time, we must understand that reconstructions are exercises of the imagination and are therefore subject to any preconceptions in the mind of the reconstructor [sic]. Pictures of our own prehistoric ancestors, often used to illustrate books concerning them, can be dangerously misleading, for we know absolutely nothing about their pigmentation, the extent of the body hair, or the thickness of their lips” (80).

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    If we are interested in what is truth, what corresponds to reality, then the Bible is the only source of information that corresponds to reality when it comes to the intricate nature and origin of the human being. Of course, Genesis 1:26 says, “Then God said, “Let Us make man in Our image, according to Our likeness; and let them rule over the fish of the sea and over the birds of the sky and over the cattle and over all the earth, and over every creeping thing that creeps on the earth.”

    With this history, both Jesus and other New Testament writers are in agreement. Jesus affirms that in the beginning, God made humankind both male and female (Matthew 19:4). They did not evolve; the reproductive organs did not evolve. They were all created and formed by God.

    Jesus affirms that Adam was the first man (Mark 10:6). There were no pre-human ape-like creatures. Adam is only five days younger than the earth itself. Did Adam live in a cave once he was expelled from the Garden of Eden? Likely. In a time before construction supplies were developed, mankind lived in caves. The first cave mentioned in the Bible is in Genesis 19 when Lot lived in a cave when God destroyed Sodom and Gomorrah. Living in caves is no sign of a pre-historical man nor a sign of a shallow education or shallow knowledge.

    The apostle Paul also affirmed that Adam was the first man (1 Cor. 15:45) and Eve was the first woman (1 Tim. 2:13). So the New Testament writers are unanimous, including Jesus Himself, that the biblical account of creation found in Genesis is true and accurate history: the real origin of human beings.

    Scientists’ explanation of the origin of humans is full of gaps. Only the Bible gives an accurate description of the origin of humans. We are made in the image and likeness of the heavenly Father.

–Paul Holland

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