Rich Realities from Revelation Studies in the Apocalypse that Give us Hope The Final Victory and the Last Judgment Revelation 19-20

    Within the events described in the book of Revelation, chapters 19-22 form a fitting conclusion. Within the experiences of each individual life, Revelation 19-22 form a fitting conclusion.

    At the end of life, we can only praise God (19:1-6). We praise God for Who He is (19:1). We praise God for What He does (19:2). We praise God for His justice (19:3). Every saint in the Old Testament, every saint in the New Testament times, every angel praises God (19:4). Those on earth ought to praise Him in this life (19:5). Regardless of what happens on earth, God still reigns (19:6).

    At the end of life, we have a feast to anticipate (19:7-10). The marriage of the Lamb and His bride, the church, will occur (19:7). The bride makes herself ready by obedience to His commands (19:8). We are recipients of divine favor in being invited to such a banquet (19:9). The essence of all prophecy is Jesus Christ, His church, and that great consummation of His promises (19:10).

    At the end of life, we know that Jesus will ultimately be victorious (19:11-16). He is faithful, true, and righteous (19:11). He is so sublime that no one can fully fathom His nature (19:12). He is the Word of God (19:13). He has an army at His disposal (19:14). He fights simply with the sword of His mouth (19:15). He is King of kings and Lord of lords (19:16).

    At the end of life, we know that all the enemies of all Christians of all time will be punished for their rejection of Christ (19:17-21). In contrast to a marriage banquet, those who do not know God and do not obey the Gospel of Christ have only to anticipate feeding scavenging vultures with their bodies (19:17). No unbeliever or disobedient will be spared from this carnage (19:18). Men fight against God in vain (19:19). Every government entity that rails against Christ will be punished and every false religion and pseudo-Christianity will meet the same fate (19:20). All those who follow the government and false religion will be fed to the vultures (19:21).

    At the end of life, we can look back and see that our time of trials and faithfulness was only a “ten-day” period (2:10) compared to the 1,000 years we will enjoy the presence of Christ (20:1-5).

    At the end of life, having experienced the first resurrection, we will not experience a second death (20:6).

    At the end of life, we can look back and see that Satan tried to use other means than just the Roman Empire and Roman pagan religion to deceive people (20:7-9).

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    At the end of life, we will see our great adversary, the great deceiver, himself thrown into the lake of fire that burns forever and ever (20:10).

    At the end of life, we will see this earthly, physical world flee from the presence of God (20:11).

    At the end of life, we will see books opened and our lives will be judged from those books (20:12).

    At the end of life, we will see all the dead spat up from every corner of the globe, to stand before God for judgement (20:13).

    At the end of life, we will see death itself and the unseen world itself be cast into the lake of fire, destroyed forever (20:14).

    At the end of life, we will see those whose names were not inscribed in the Family Registry of the Lamb cast into that same lake of fire (20:15).

    Doesn’t that picture give you hope?

–Paul Holland

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