Turning Worry Into Faith

    Our Friday devotionals for the summer months are dealing with emotional challenges with which we struggle, sometimes on a daily basis. What about worry? Jesus declares to us that we should not worry in Matthew 6:25-34. He encourages us to trust God who will see that our needs will be provided. Yet, we worry. Worry allowed to develop will turn into anxiety which can  become debilitating and have negative repercussions on our health.

    What are some steps that you can take to deal with worry? First, examine your worry. What is the source? Is it something you can change? Is the source biological or psychological or spiritual? Your action plan is going to depend on the source of your worries.

    Second, pray about your worries. “Be anxious for nothing, but in everything by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made known to God” (Phil. 4:6). If we wish to worry about nothing then we should pray about everything. Do you have a formal prayer list over which you pray on a daily basis? If not, you should start.

    Third, once you have analyzed your worry and began praying about it, you should form some action plan to resolve the issue, to eliminate the source of your worry. If you worry about your health, then do what it requires to improve – diet, exercise, medication, whatever it might be. But you also have to learn to accept the fact that some things are beyond your / our control. Too frequently, we blow molehills into mountains and fret over things that have no lasting significance. I remember my mom frequently saying to me, “Son, you won’t remember this 100 years from now.”

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    Next, put yourself into service to others. Serving others is a great way to take your mind off yourself. God designed us to be servants and when we refuse to serve, it is like using a butter knife as a screwdriver. Then, you have to trust God to help you resolve the source of your worries and / or give you the tools you need to remedy the worry. That’s the fundamental message of Jesus in the Sermon on the Mount as He dealt with worry in Matthew 6:25-32. Trust God to do the right thing, the loving thing, the best thing for you and through you.

    Sometimes, we worry because we have our priorities mixed up. Everything in our lives are not of equal importance. And, sometimes the things that are the most immediate are not the most consequential. Deal with the immediate and then focus on the consequential. Your relationship with God demands your highest attention and commitment. Your own health is very important. Your family, especially your spouse, should be high on your list. Your children should also be on the list. Your employer should not be higher than these other priorities in your life. Recognize what is important and what is not.

    Worry can steal the joy from our hearts and our minds. Jesus does what He can to alleviate those worries so they will not develop into anxiety. We must follow His prescription and if we do, we’ll turn our worry into a stronger faith.

–Paul Holland

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