Barna Research keeps its thumb on the pulse of Americans, relative to their views of spiritual things. They recently conducted their survey on Americans’ views of the Bible. Here are some of their top findings, which you might keep in mind as you discuss biblical matters with them. (
1. Roughly half of Americans claim to engage with the Bible on their own, using it, listening to it, watching videos, praying or using the text in some other way, outside of worship services (at least every three to four months). Fourteen percent of adults say they use the Bible daily. Nearly as many use it several times a week.
2. Those most likely to use the Bible are those who live in cities (53%) and small towns (49%) and the south (55%). But, hey, the midwest is not far behind (49%). Relative to age, millennials (47%), Gen Xers (45%) and “elders” (48%) are a little less likely than baby boomers (51%).
3. The use of technology to engage the Bible is slowly growing. The printed Bible is still, by far, the favorite (89%). That figure has not changed much in the past eight years. But, more than half search for Bible content on the internet (57%) and smartphones (55%). One-third listen to Bible-related content on podcasts.
4. Sixty-six percent of Americans express some curiosity and want to know more about the Bible. In fact, 29% express a strong desire to know more about the Bible. A whopping 63% would like to know more about Jesus Christ and 31% express a strong desire to know more about Him.
Knowing this, Jule Miller used to begin many of his Bible studies with the question: “Would you like to know more about the Bible? We have a 5-part Bible study course that gives you an overview of the Bible. Can we study that together?” I have used that line with success.
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Also, David Pharr has a correspondence course entitled, “Getting to Know Jesus” which could be used and introduced the same way. Instead of talking about personal evangelism, let’s do personal evangelism.
5. A little over half of Americans want to know how the Bible applies to life (53%) and they give a lot of thought to that question.
6. As you would expect, people do think that Bible reading impacts your spiritual growth for the good. Americans say Bible reading makes them more loving (54%), and more generous in giving to others their time, energy, and finances (42%).
7. Finally, nearly 60% believe that the Bible has transformed their lives. I am flummoxed that 42% say the Bible has not transformed their lives. I’m not sure they are reading the same Bible I am!
Having these thoughts in mind might help you approach friends about a Bible study.
Paul Holland