In the exodus out of Egypt, God performed those miracles so that both the Egyptians and the Israelites will know that He is Jehovah God and He is the only true God, the all-powerful God. Miracles in the OT are clustered around certain time periods in which God wants to make sure His people know that He is the Lord, Jehovah God, Creator and Lord of all the earth.
For example, after the exodus and the wanderings in the wilderness when God performed many miracles, the Israelites come to the Jordan River to enter the promised land. But the Jordan River was at the peak of the flood season. So, God tells their leader, Joshua, to take the ark of the covenant into the middle of the Jordan River and when the priests’ feet touch the river, the waters will divide, just like the Red Sea did with Moses, and the Israelites will cross over on dry land. But I want you to observe Joshua 3:10.
When the role of the prophets became a major force in the history of Israel in the days of Elisha and Elijah, the same thing happened. In 1 Kings 17, the prophet Elijah raises a dead man and I direct your attention to 17:24. The purpose of miracles was so man could know that the God of Israel is the only true God. Miracles were a sign that the prophets’ message was from God: Jehovah God is the only real God.
In the story recorded in 2 Kings 5 where Elisha the prophet heals Naaman of leprosy, I want us to read 2 Kings 5:8. If you look at verse 15 in the same context, after Naaman was cured of leprosy having done what the prophet of God told him to do, we read that Naaman now knew that there was a God in Israel. The purpose of miracles was so that man, both Jew and non-Jew, would know that there is only one God, and He is the Jehovah God of Israel who reigns over all the earth.
When Jesus cast out evil spirits, Jesus tells the Pharisees on that occasion, Luke 11:20, that since He had cast out demons, then they knew that the kingdom was about to be established. The purpose of Jesus’ miracles was so that they would serve as signs to the fact that Jesus was the Son of Jehovah God, the sovereign Lord of the universe (John 20:30-31).
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In the same way, the miracles that the apostles performed were done for the same reason – so that people would know that the Jesus whom they preached was the Son of Jehovah God, the Creator and Lord of heaven and earth and that salvation was only in the name of Jesus Christ. Let me just give one example to show this point…
Acts 13— Let me take you to the island of Cyprus, the village of Paphos. The governor of the island, the “proconsul,” Sergius Paulus wanted to hear the gospel of Jesus Christ preached by Paul and Barnabas. But, there was a man who practiced magic who tried to keep the proconsul from becoming a Christian (v. 8). So, Paul, through the operation of the Holy Spirit struck this man blind (v. 11). I draw your attention to verse 12.The proconsul believed the Gospel, once he saw the miracle. Miracles are “signs” that Christ is the Son of the God in heaven.
Now, in order to have time, we pass on to the end or miracles and that simply relates to the fact that the purpose of miracles has been fulfilled. In other words, there is no reason, biblically speaking for God to perform miracles any more…
Paul Holland