Most Sinful Cities in America (God’s love is still there)

The Sinful City

    Many people like living in the big city. Frank Sinatra sang he wanted to live in a city “that never sleeps” (NYC). Personally, five miles outside of Flint is as close to a big city as I care to be. The conveniences are nice; the clean and quiet air are nicer.

    Adam McCann wrote an article for titled “Most Sinful Cities in America.” He reported how different cities seem to be more inclined toward certain ones of the “seven deadly sins.” To rank the cities, WalletHub asked itself whether the city’s population abused food, alcohol, and drugs. Were its citizens obese? Were there many scripts written for opioids? Get this, according to their list: California is the most virtuous state! (Yeah, right.) Just because a city has a Whole Foods Market doesn’t mean its citizens are saints. There are surely better metrics by which to judge the virtue of a population (like worship attendance, for one!).

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    However, God does love the city. At least its people. Think about all the cities that have been recipients of God’s attention over the biblical years. Sodom and Gomorrah. Certainly Jerusalem. Babylon and Nineveh. Ephesus. Corinth. Athens. The book of Acts ends with Paul taking the gospel of God’s grace to the “eternal city,” Rome.

    When God decided to reveal a picture of heaven, he did not choose a hamlet, a grove, a prairie, or a farm. He chose the city (Revelation 21). I am thankful that I do not live in a big city; although living in Iasi, Romania (pop. 350,000) was not bad. I’m also thankful there are Christians who want to take the gospel to the big city, including living in it. Because God wants all men and women to be saved.

Paul Holland

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