There are too many naked Christians! Naked Christians should be every bit as ashamed as Adam and Even when they were caught with their pants down in the Garden of Eden (see Gen. 3:8). Unfortunately, many Christians are running here and there without any concern for proper adornment and yet feel little or no shame!

Now let me explain something. I’m not really talking about the clothes Christians wear (or, don’t wear), but rather clothing our lives with good works. Christian women, in particular, in 1 Timothy 2:10, are told to “adorn themselves… in good works.” You see, we (Christians, male and female – see Titus 3:1, 14) were “created in Christ Jesus for good works” (Eph. 2:10). Christians doing good works was in the mind and the eternal plan of God before the creation. Good works should be as natural as putting on clothes in the morning!

Probably like you, I am concerned with the lack of modest attire in the world and even within the body of Christ. However, I am just as concerned, or perhaps more concerned, with brethren who are devoid of any good works in service to the kingdom of God. My brethren, as God will hold the immoral accountable on the day of judgment (see Gal. 5:19-21), so will He, those who claim to be His children but do almost nothing for His cause!

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No, we won’t ever do enough to merit our salvation, but receiving the grace of Almighty God requires us to be faithful workers in His kingdom. Let each of us think seriously about our work for the Lord and His church, lest we be found naked! To use Jesus’ words: “He who has ears to hear, let him hear” (Mt. 11:15). Brethren, don’t just get dressed, “Stay dressed for action!” (see Lk. 12:35). May God bless you in His service.

Daren Schroeder

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