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Hell Deniers

    Perhaps the most popular religious / spiritual idea that is found in the human heart is the idea that God simply can’t send someone to hell because they either: 1.) deny God’s existence or 2.) haven’t been immersed into water, as Jesus commands, understanding that action puts them into contact with the blood of Christ.  “Universalism” – God will eventually save everyone or most everyone (we can all make exceptions for the “Hitlers” and “ben Ladens” of the world) – is the favorite idea of so many people in the world.

    In a recent article from (January 27, 2020), Beth Bailey laments the number of people who deny the Holocaust. This year marks the 75th anniversary of the liberation of Auschwitz, the largest of the German concentration camps. According to a study reported by Bailey, 22% of millennials claim they have never heard of the Holocaust, along with 11% of adults

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    In order to twist the facts, Holocaust deniers do all they can to minimize that dark period in human history. According to Bailey, they suggest fewer than 1/3 of a million Jews actually died in WWII but that was from starvation, typhus, and exposure to the elements. Yet, we have recovered 3,000 tons of documents supporting the historical accuracy of reports of the Holocaust, including the diary of the SS leader Heinrich Himmler. 

    Bailey calls on her readers to “dedicate ourselves to Holocaust education and understanding and renewing our attempts to counter all varieties of denial and revisionism to prevent the further rise of anti-Semitism.” I agree with Bailey. The best way to keep the Holocaust from happening again is to teach people the Gospel so the love of Christ will motivate them to love those with whom they disagree. Second to that, we need to educate our population on the horrors of the Holocaust to strike the compassion found in the human heart not to allow such an atrocity to happen again. Either way you look at it, education is key.

    It is one thing to deny such a well-supported historically accurate event as the Holocaust. It is something entirely different when so many people either deny the existence of hell or deny the clear line of demarcation set out by Jesus between those who are saved (in heaven) and those who are lost (in hell). Jesus talked about hell a dozen times (Matt. 5:22, 29-30; 10:28; 18:9; 23:15, 33; Mark 9:43, 45, 47; Luke 12:5) as did James (3:6) and Peter (2 Peter 2:4). 

    Hell is just as real as the Holocaust but much, much worse. The solution to “hell deniers” as with “Holocaust deniers” is education. Let’s get to it.

Paul Holland

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