Fire in My Bones Jeremiah 50-52


    This chapter begins Jeremiah’s description of the judgment and downfall of Babylon. Up to this point, God has portrayed Nebuchadnezzar as God’s servant (25:9; 27:6; 43:10). But, Babylon was also guilty of sin, notably idolatry, but even with them taking over other nations, they did so with much more violence than was necessary. So, Jeremiah will spend almost as much space (110 verses compared to 121 verses) just rebuking Babylon as he did the other prior nations.

    Bel and Marduk are Babylon’s gods (50:1-2). They will be shamed and shattered. Notice in verses 4-5, that the sons of Israel and sons of Judah will be rejoined, even though they’ve been two different nations since the days of King Rehoboam. But, they will be united and they will turn toward the Lord in repentance and they will join themselves to the Lord in an everlasting covenant.

    God calls on people to draw their bow and shoot their arrow at Babylon (50:14-16). This is all a reflection of God’s vengeance on Babylon. They will pay for their own sins and how they have treated God’s people. All sin is sin against God. 

    The Day has Come – 50:20-32:

    At some point, men will “look for” the iniquity of Israel or the sin of Judah but they won’t be able to find it. Why? Because they will be forgiven, “pardoned” (50:20). Babylon is portrayed as the “hammer of the whole earth” (verse 23) but she will be smashed. How can you break Thor’s hammer, Mjolnir? God can. Jehovah God can. Babylon thought she was unbeatable but she forgot Jehovah God. He caught her; He seized her. She engaged in conflict with God and she lost (verse 24)!

    Israel’s Redeemer is Jehovah God (50:34). Notice how frequently the word “sword” is used in this paragraph (50:35-37). God is bringing the sword against Babylon! Who is able to stand against God? Absolutely no one! Babylon will become a desolation. The cry over the fall of Babylon will be heard all over, just like the fall of Babylon in Revelation 18.


    A “destroying spirit” (verse 1) is coming against Babylon and they will winnow her and devastate her. Babylon will fight back but her warriors will fall in the streets. God has not forsaken Israel or Judah (verse 5). She may be full of guilt in the eyes of the Holy God but He will still work His plan through her.

    In verse 12, God tells Babylon to set up a sentry, a watch and see if God’s words will be fulfilled. God has sworn (verse 14) that Babylon is going to fall.

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    In this section (51:15-26), Jeremiah describes the nature of Jehovah God, His power, His wisdom, His understanding. By contrast, the idols are dumb, mute, ignorant and lifeless – what does that say about people who trust in them?

    In verse 45, God again calls on His people to separate themselves from Babylon, especially from the ungodly and idolatrous culture in Babylon. God will punish the idols of Babylon (verse 47) and the heavens and the earth will rejoice when that day comes (verse 48)! Israel is to leave; she will escape and she will bring Jehovah God to mind and Jerusalem and she will come home.

    God will punish Babylon’s idols (verse 52). Babylon, in her arrogance, thinks she is out of reach (verse 53) but “destroyers” will come from God. For the third time in Jeremiah, Jehovah God is called “King.” He is sovereign over Babylon. God controls her motions. 

    Jeremiah has one last “object lesson” up his sleeve (51:59-64). He writes his message on a scroll and sends it with Seraiah to the Euphrates River in Babylon and has Seraiah tie the scroll to a stone and throw it into the middle of the river to symbolize the sinking of the great nation of Babylon! This imagery is used by John in the book of Revelation in 18:21.

A REVIEW OF JUDAH’S RUIN – chapter 52:

    It was during Zedekiah’s reign that the third and final siege of Jerusalem happened, largely due to Zedekiah’s sins, specifically his effort to flee during the siege. If he had listened to Jeremiah and remained in Jerusalem, God would have provided for Zedekiah and for his sons. But Zedekiah tries to escape and he is captured in the plains of Jericho. Zedekiah is taken to Nebuchadnezzar at Riblah where Zedekiah’s sons are slaughtered before his eyes, then Zedekiah, himself, is blinded, and then hauled in chains to Babylon where he dies in jail.

    Nebuzaradan, the captain of Nebuchadnezzar’s bodyguard, leads a contingent of military into Jerusalem and they set the temple of God on fire. They burn down the king’s palace (verse 20) and all the large houses of the wealthy businessmen in the city! The temple of God was important, but it was not the focal point of Israel’s religion. The center of their faith was Jehovah God who dwells in heaven. Eventually, Israel would focus her spiritual energies on the Law of Moses, the Torah, centered in community centers known as synagogues.

    Notice the statement in verse 27: “So Judah was led away into exile from its land.” Thus ends the nation of Israel, until God steps in!

Paul Holland

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