The chances of being born on any single day of the year, of course, is 1 in 365. The odds of being born on leap day, the serendipitous blessing of only celebrating a birthday every four years (which would make me 12 years old!), is 1 in 1,461. There are about .07% of the world’s population who was born on a leap day.
One of them was Ivan Penaloza. But, Penaloza enjoyed an extra special blessing this past leap day. His baby girl, Camila, was also born on Leap Day, her daddy’s own birthday. According to Mercy San Juan Medical Center in California where Camila was born, the chances of her being born on her dad’s birthday, which happens to also be Leap Day, is 1 in 2.1 million!
In other words, it almost never happens! But it did.
I don’t like statistics. They were the compelling reason I failed Genetics in college twenty-five years ago. But this news reminded me of two easy-to-remember statistics.
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First, there is 0% chance that evolution could have occurred. I know you read all the time that the possibilities of protein being synthesized are such-and-such but those type of statements remind me of the challenge an atheist issued God that he could make a better world. God accepted the challenge. The atheist picks up a handful of dirt. “No, you have to make your own dirt,” God responds. There is 0% chance that macro-evolution could have occurred. You always get nothing from nothing. How idiotic does this sound: “Once, there was nothing. Then it exploded!”? And atheists call Christians irrational.
Here’s another statistic. There is a 100% chance that you and I will meet God in judgment. There is no way of getting out of it. It is appointed for man to die once and then he will be judged (Heb. 9:27). That is a very strong, compelling motivation to make sure our lives, our hearts, and our doctrine line up with Christ’s teachings. Because we will answer to God one day (2 Cor. 5:10).
Paul Holland