Bible Bytes 1.2 – Read it All

Ironically, I am referring to this series as Bible Bytes because I’m seeking to give some valuable little insights into effective Bible study, and what do I do? I title the second session in the series: Read It All. Hmm… should I recalculate concerning the name of the series? I don’t think so, and I refuse to leave this one out because it truly is one of my favorites. Let me tell you why.

The Bible is a collection of letters written to individuals, groups of people or congregations. Letters are written to be read from beginning to end. When Paul wrote 1 Thessalonians he said at the end of the book: “I put you under oath before the Lord to have this letter read to all the brothers” (5:27). I doubt that the church read one chapter each Sunday for five weeks! That’s not the way we read letters. Why not?

The reason we don’t read letters like that is because we don’t want to! Instead, we want to know what it says, so we read it until we are finished. We are curious. We want to know why someone wrote us and what they said. How badly do we want to know what God has said?

Perhaps another reason we read a note all the way through in one sitting is because we will understand it better. If we broke it up into choppy pieces there would be a greater danger of misunderstanding. We would likely lose the context of statements, the flow of thought and development of plot. A letter is so much less likely to be misunderstood if it is read in its entirety. The same can be said of the Bible. Even the chapter divisions themselves can impede the flow of thought if we aren’t careful.

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Honestly, I consider reading an entire book of the Bible in one sitting as the most valuable study I do. It is extremely rewarding. I’m not telling you to give up on your Bible reading plan that has you reading three chapters or so per day, but I would strongly encourage you to read an entire book at one time at least once per week. I know, you think you don’t have time. But I also know that you know that you do! We make time for the most important things. Besides, about 3/4 of the books of the Bible can be read within the time period it takes to watch the first quarter of a football game! Or, one episode of a television show on Netflix! The Bible will satsify you much more than either of those, “if indeed you have tasted that the Lord is good” (1 Pt. 2:3).

What time period would work well for you? Early Saturday? Monday evenings? I hope you will consider setting aside a time or two a week to give it a try. I think you will be glad you did!

Daren Schroeder

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