Obedience: God’s Love Language 1 Kings 13:20-25

    I would like for you to put on your “Imagination Hat” and picture something with me. Picture yourself in a typical church in the United States of America; it does not matter what denomination it is. You have just heard a very powerful, emotional sermon on the love of God and then the pastor gives what is called an “altar call” for anyone to come forward and receive Jesus into their heart and be saved from their sins.

    Imagine one young woman, let’s call her Belinda, in her mid-twenties does just that. Many know her; she’s a thoughtful, conscientious young lady and everyone knew that it was just a matter of time before she gave her heart to Jesus. So the pastor talks to her: “Are you ready to accept Jesus as your personal Savior?” With tears in her eyes, she nods her head.

    The pastor also has tears in his eyes and he says to her, “Child, let us pray for you…” He bows his head and he says, “Dear God, We need you. We are humbly calling out to you. We are tired of doing things our way. Help us to start doing things your way. Belinda now invites you into her life to be her Lord and Savior. Fill the emptiness in her with your Holy Spirit and make her whole. Lord, help her to trust you. Help her to love you. Help her to live for you. Help her to understand your grace, your mercy, and your peace. Thank you Lord, Amen.”

    But then, as soon as Belinda wipes her eyes and the whole church wipes their eyes, Belinda looks up into the face of her pastor and she sees fear in his eyes as he suddenly cries out, “Child, you have disobeyed Jesus Christ! I have lied to you! Long before I was ever born, Jesus had said, ‘He who believes and is baptized shall be saved!’ and because you did not obey Jesus Christ but listened to a lie, you are condemned by God to eternity in hell!” And Belinda dies right there on the spot!

    The Five Love Languages is a book and a theory of personalities that was developed and popularized by Gary Chapman, beginning in 1992. Chapman says that all of us express our love and experience our love in five ways: 

words of affirmation
quality time
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    God tells humanity from the beginning of the Bible until the end that His love language, that is, the language in which He wants us to express our love to Him, is through obedience. Obedience, obedience, obedience. 

    When it comes to expressing our love for Jehovah God, there is no substitute, for obedience to the commands of Christ. Read 1 Kings 13:11-32 for tomorrow…

Paul Holland

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