“It’s clear that our differences are irreconcilable and there is no way to bridge them.” This statement was made, as reported in World magazine (3/27/2021), by an elder in the “United” Methodist Church. He is an elder in the Methodist church, out of Virginia, who chairs a group with the denomination who consider themselves conservative.
You’ve heard the issue before; the Methodist church has been dealing with it for a long time… How do you deal with homosexuality, and more specifically, homosexual marriages? So, the Methodist elder cited above is a part of a movement to establish a new denomination, called the “Global Methodist Church.”
At the denomination’s meeting, the Global Methodist Church affirmed their belief in “the traditional understanding of Christian marriage as a covenant between a man and a woman.” Back in 2019, the United Methodist Church held their convention and the delegates voted to strengthen the church’s ban on LGBT inclusivity by a narrow vote of 438-384! Yet at that point, many liberal pastors in the Methodist Church said they would not abide by the restrictions.
Denominationalism in general and the “United” Methodist Church in particular has set aside simple, plain, biblical Christianity a long time ago. Their view of unity has always been the lowest common denominator, to quote (perhaps not exactly correctly) the liberal preacher Max Lucado, “If someone calls God Father, He’s my brother.”
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The “United” Methodist Church simply illustrates what happens when the lowest common denominator is the basis of unity. You don’t get it. There are some teachings in the Bible that are just too plain and God’s view of homosexuality is among the plainest.
Also among the “plainest” is His teachings on the need for immersion in water for the forgiveness of sins (Acts 2:38). When the Protestant world gets their act together on immersion and, specifically its purpose, we’ll have bridged a huge gap and we’ll be much closer to the unity that Christ desires. In the meantime, the Lord’s church should not renounce Truth for the sake of unity.
Paul Holland