Hebrews 13.1 says, “Let Brotherly Love Continue.” When something is said to continue it is naturally assumed that it has already started. You cannot continue what has not begun! In the context of the passage Christians are encouraged to continue loving their fellow brothers and sisters in Christ. What does that look like? How is that done? Note the few examples below.
Continuing to love our Christian family is done…
…by having an overwhelming desire to be with them in both the worship of, and work done for, the Lord.
…by showing concern for them in difficult times.
…by praying for them for their specific needs.
…by giving them the benefit of the doubt.
…by encouraging their involvement in good works to glorify God.
…by helping them in some way to better understand God’s Will for us and how to live by it in everyday life.
…by being concerned about their friends and family members, including those who are not members of the church here.
…by commending them for a particular sacrifice that they have made to help, encourage, or visit someone.
…by simply being there for them in Christian friendship.
Oh, the tremendous impact and benefits of a loving church family on the congregation and community! Think about it.
Kevin Williams