A sermon on it is written


1) It is written.
2) There may be rules and regulations in life which we do not like and with which we do not agree.
3) The majority of a society may not agree that a certain rule is right, wise, or even makes sense.
4) At the end of the day most in our world still will submit to something if It is written.
5) Several times in the Bible we find the words It is written or something quite similar.
6) In the ASV, these three words first occur in Mt. 2:5.
7) When God says, It is written, expect Him to do exactly what was written – no exceptions or alterations.
8) After Mt. 2, we find the expression It is written in Mt. 4, an account of Jesus being tempted by the devil.
9) Mt. 4 is verses 8-10– READ
10) The Lord – deity in the flesh – said, It is written.
When it came to God’s will, the Lord did not believe the right choice was open for dispute or discussion.
11) When it comes to our worship, Mt. 4 tell us we need to think and respond with, It is written.
12) Mt. 21:12-13 – READ
13) If It is written needed to be heeded during the OT era, what about It is written with Jesus’ sacrifice?
14) Jesus used the expression It is written when He called some people “hypocrites” (Mk. 7:6).
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ii) When Paul began the letter to the Romans he used these same 3 words in the 1st chapter of this book.
iii) Rom. 1:17 says, It is written – the righteous (just) shall live by faith.
(1) We must “live” (keep on living) a life consistent with what is written.
(2) If we do not abide by what is written, the written word warns us that heaven will not be our home.
2) Some do not really believe what is “written” is that important because they are good people.”
i) Rom. 3:10 says, It is written that not one person is righteous.
ii) When God wrote these words He was not kidding or exaggerating.
3) It is written that people must turn from sin in order to be forgiven (Rom. 11:26).
4) It is written that God has wrath (Rom. 12:19) and those who deserve to face it will.
5) It is written that every person will one day bow before God and confess to God (Rom. 14:11).
6) 1 Cor. 1:19 says, It is written that God “will destroy the wisdom of the wise.”
7) Those who desire heaven must seek to live pure and holy lives because It is written (1 Pet. 1:16).
8) The devil knows what God has written and he knows the force of God’s written word.
9) He wants man to be ignorant of what God has written or convince people it is not important.
10) Has the devil been deceiving us about “what is written?”
11) Jesus said we will one day be judged by the Word (what is written), Jn. 12:48.

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