An Abundant Life: Courage

    When Rome fell, Christianity was left standing. I do not know what might happen to America but I’m confident Christianity will still stand and must stand to point the way back to the Light.

    Jesus tells us that He came to give us “life abundantly” (John 10:10). That abundant life is a life that is characterized, among many things, by courage.

    Be faithful and be courageous (Rev. 21:8). It is easy to tell people that God loves them. It is easy to tell people that Jesus died for them. Nobody finds those messages offensive. Not even Muslims would really find those statements offensive. It does not take courage to talk to people about love. It does take courage to talk to people about sin. When you define sin, the way the Bible defines sin, it is exclusive. It means some behavior is wrong and must be stopped. It means some beliefs are wrong and must be stopped. 

    We all have hopes that are crushed. We all have placed trust in someone that has been broken. We all have disappointments that could have made our hearts bitter. If cowardice motivates our hearts then when things get tough, we run. We cave. We give in. We sanitize the gospel because its message has offended and, like the Pharisees, we love the praise of men more than the praise of God. But if courage motivates our hearts, we keep on keeping on.

    There is an old German proverb: “Fear makes the wolf bigger than he is.” My dad used to tell me, “Son, why be afraid of the boogeyman behind the bush? You don’t even know if there is a boogeyman behind the bush!”

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    GOD WANTS US TO BE COURAGEOUS Take a moment to read Deuteronomy 31:6. The phrase: “Be strong and courageous” is found ten times in the OT. The phrase: “do not be afraid” is found 30 times in the OT. Why is Moses encouraging the Israelis to be strong and courageous? Because God is with them. God goes with them. God will not fail them nor forsake them.

    Read Jesus’ words about peace in John 14:27. The NT uses the word “peace” 97 times; John uses “peace” 10 times. John uses the word “fear” 20 times; 101 times in the whole NT. So, God recognizes that we will feel fear. But God always assures us that if we walk with Him and we stay dedicated to His truth, we will have peace of mind. We either trust God and stay with His truth or we do not trust God and we become fearful.

    Let us courageously share God’s message with others and live God’s message in our lives.

Paul Holland

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