Ben Shapiro and Millennial Morality

Shapiro is a 34-year-old conservative writer and editor-in-chief of the Daily Wire. He wrote an article in the current issue of The Weekly Standard (May 21, 2018), addressing the opportunities for the GOP to make in-roads into the millennial community. A millennial is considered a young person born in the years 1981-1996.

Shapiro writes, based on polling data, that millennial conservatives operate within the same frame of reference as many of their liberal compatriots. “Contrary to Hollywood’s portrayal of young Republicans, they’re not Bible-thumping, church-going, hallelujah-shouting religious proselytizers. They’re small government, leave-everyone-alone libertarians. Young conservatives may not care about same-sex marriage, but they’re deeply pro-life and pro-gun” (pg 27).

Relative to the question of same-sex marriage, Shapiro had earlier written: “[Younger Americans] believe that the case for religious freedom is actually a case for religious bigotry and think that opposition to same-sex marriage reflects a hackneyed version of Old Testament sexual repression.” In referring to religious conservatives, he continues: “Forty-five percent of millennial evangelicals said they supported same-sex marriage as of 2014; the numbers are undoubtedly higher now (only 23 percent of older evangelicals supported same-sex marriage in the same poll). Fifty-one percent said homosexuality should be accepted by society, compared with 32 percent of older evangelicals” (pg 26).

Speaking of outreach to our antagonistic culture, Barna pollsters David Kinnaman and Gabe Lyons warns that Christians’ messages are too often being ignored. Why? Because there is no longer a shared understanding of the importance of biblical teaching. “One-quarter of non-Christian Millennials believe the Bible is a ‘dangerous book of religious dogma that has been used for centuries to oppress people.’ Thirty-eight percent believe the Bible is ‘mythology’ and 30 percent say it is just a book of ‘fairy tales’,” they write in their book Good Faith: Being a Christian When Society Thinks You’re Irrelevant and Extreme (pg 52).

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You can easily see that their morality leans heavily toward the libertarian viewpoint, except they are also largely antinomian. That is, they don’t want anyone telling them what to do and how to live their lives. That leaves the Bible out of the equation.

What this suggests to me is that Christian apologetics is needed now more than ever. Yes, there is a God who created all things. He is a moral God, holy in all His attributes. In His love, He gave us both His word that tells us how to come into His presence, and His Son who gave His life in our place. We cannot get discouraged in the face of our current cultural climate. We need to be patiently and lovingly and kindly evangelistic.

Paul Holland

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