Beware of Being Overly Religious

A man had two sons. He told the first to work in the vineyard, and the son said he would, but never did. The father told the second son to go work in the vineyard and the son said no, but later he repented and went to work. Which did the will of his father? Jesus explained this parable (Matthew 21:28-32) by telling the chief priests and the elders of the Jews that tax-gatherers and harlots would enter into Heaven before they would. John came to the people in righteousness, and the sinners heard John and repented, but the religious leaders refused to take heed, even after seeing the sinners repent. The warning stands today, 2000 years later. Don’t count on your own piety and righteousness to save you. Be humble, be teachable, and trust in Jesus and His power to save (Mark 16:15-16; Romans 1:16).

Thomas Baxley

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