Bible Based Parenting Don’t Grow Weary in Making Corrections

First, the Bible: “Whoever loves discipline loves knowledge, but he who hates reproof is stupid” (Prov. 12:1).

I am seven years older than my youngest brother. I remember that Mom and Dad had to correct him so much that they joked he would grow up thinking his name was, “No, no, Timmy!” While it is tempting to suggest he was just a recalcitrant boy, the truth more likely is that most kids have to be corrected frequently and often times for the same thing.

It can wear out a parent, especially if Mom stays at home with the children. Some children seem to be oblivious to correction. Some children rebel against correction. Some children do not seem to understand the importance of correction.

Of course we all have to be corrected from time to time. So how can you help your children understand the need for and the wisdom behind your corrections? And why should you “not grow wearing in making corrections”?

One thing you can do is to make some kind of glaring, ridiculous decision that any child would desire to correct. And then pretend that you did not make a bad decision. Act like you don’t understand what they are talking about – like buttoning your shirt one hole off. Ask why they blame you for everything. In other words, use the same words that a child would tend to use. Then at some point, you can explain to them: 1) why it is important to receive correction; 2) how one should respond when he or she does receive correction.

Explain why God calls people “stupid” who hates correction. Of course, you have to be willing to allow your children to correct you. “Thank you, for pointing that out to me. I need to do things differently.”

Explain what you have learned from being corrected, maybe serious catastrophes that you have avoided because someone corrected you.

There are very good lessons that a child can learn when he or she is corrected. Help them understand that.

“For the commandment is a lamp and the teaching is light; and reproofs for discipline are the way of life” (Prov. 6:23).

Paul Holland

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