Bible Study on the book of Judges

Judges intro

Judges used as a title 2:16-19. Lord raised them up to deliver sinful people out of compassion of God. Usually the stories tell of the Judge’s deliverance not their actual judging. This passage gives us 3 insights into the judge; Theological source of authority and power (Lord), recorded history was primarily salvation didn’t focus on judiciary, their focus was primarily external enemies and not internal tribal strife although there is acknowledgment of its existence throughout the book.

Judges ruled over Israel from Joshua to Samuel, entering into the land until the first king. It is a time of unclear earthly authority over the nation. The people selected as judge all appear to have some “negative” trait that would make them unideal candidates for leadership. Othneil is not an Israelite native, Deborah is a woman, left-handed Ehud is considered “handicapped”, Barak is unmanly, Gideon lacks faith, Jepthah is illegitimate, Samson chases “worldly women”. Their selection was divinely authorized highlighting how God uses who He wants and is selecting them based on a criteria all His own. None of the Judges appear to be special people apart from God’s utilization of them.

Judges describes a people in transitory leadership between strong centralized Prophet/military figure in Moses & Joshua to nationally recognized and divinely selected king in Saul then David. The period detail a nation in crisis steadily going away from God in a situation where collectively people understood who their God was in times of need, but did not follow Him faithfully and abandoned Him when they experienced relatively stable periods in life. The central problem during the period of the Judge’s is that Israel didn’t recognize God as their King and His Law as their rule for life so the book ends with a refrain acknowledging that sentiment. The Israelites failed not because their neighbors were stronger but because they were spiritually weak. The Judges established little or no spiritual/religious change within the people they delivered by the strength of God. The salvation afforded had relatively minuscule impacts on religious restoration. The book never recounts a collective meeting at the Tabernacle for worship or cultic celebration yet God still claims them as His people. This shows the grace afforded through relationship with God. The non-removal of all the people settled in the land that they were instructed to conquer had a devastating effect on the fidelity of the people to God.The book starts with the concept that people did what was evil in God’s eyes and ends with that they did what was good in their eyes. It’s concluding account of Samson has some irony with him loosing his eyesight symbolizing God’s people’s loss of seeing things God’s way. Judges and kings both end with the leaders getting eyes plucked out by enemy and in chains. This similarity of how both periods end shows that despite earthly authority if God’s authority is not honored then our outcome is the same.

The period of the Judges reflects our modern context because in the Church there is no centralized earthly leadership and everyone is doing what’s right in their own eyes which is having a negative religious and social impact. The Judges highlight the importance of godly leadership and is a reminder that God has not given up on His people even when they have forsaken Him. The hard times should cause us to realign with God’s Word and the people who He raises up to direct people back to Him.

10 week series on judges

  1. We are in situation we are in due to compromising with Gods commands, but God is faithful and will show mercy through providing a leader to rescue from hard times

Judges 1:28; 2:1-5, 16-23; Deu 20:10-18

  1. God has made it clear how we are to destroy these things that will draw us away from Him.
  2. Rather than destroy we find a way to profit off what’s unprofitable for us.
  3. What we allow to remain in our midst after God instructs us to remove it will eventually destroy us.
  4. God leaves obstacles out of our disobedience and as a way for us to prove faith.
  5. God will provide the leadership out of bad situations but it is up to the people to follow.
  1. Othniel: We are included in God’s people because of faith despite our bloodline.

Judge 3 :8-11; 1:12-15; Joshua 14:6-14; Gen 36:9-11

  1. Proper faith allows you to realign who you identify with as family (Esau to Jacob).
  2. We can be a faithful inspiration (Caleb) and follow faithful examples.
  3. Faith builds faith (Othniel’s previous faith propels to greater act of faith).
  1. Ehud: Sometimes 1 person can inspire the rest.

Judges 3:12-30

  1. At times you will have to be the one to inspire change.
  2. Many know what the problem is but few are willing to address it.
  3. Our differences sometimes are what gives us the advantage (left handed man in a right handed world).
  1. Deborah / Barack: We need men and women to do God’s work.

Judges 4

  1. God utilizes men and women for His work.
  2. Allow God to use you and be willing to assist those who’s faith is weak.
  3. Understand that you limit your blessings when you seek aid when it’s not needed.
  4. We all can play a part From Deborah to Barak to Jael.
  5. Singing a song of praise to God and the people that allow God to use them (appreciation for salvation and faithful people who aids in its reception).
  1. Gideon: God will do the fighting if we apply the faith

Judges 6:11-15 , 36-40; 7

  1. We don’t always start with the faith we grow into.
  2. Some times we need reassurance from God, at those times ask for it, it is better to ask for help developing faith than remain induct and do nothing for God.
  3. God doesn’t need our help, just wants our participation.
  1. Jephthah: Our past is a problem for people not God

Judges 11:1-11, 13-24, 30-31 & 34-40

  1. People will judge you based on undesirable worldly standards (usually beyond your control).
  2. There is value in knowing history of God’s people.
  3. We all come from worldly context, some forced upon us others we revel in and find success. There could be some skills learned from life’s situations that could be beneficial for leading God’s people out of oppressive conditions.
  4. We don’t have to barter with God, just need to function in faith.
  1. Minor Judges: We all are important even if our story isn’t known

Judges 3:31, 10:1-5, 12:8-15

  1. Although story unknown to people, God knows of deeds.
  2. All we really need is our name recorded in God’s book.
  3. We are not faithful for man’s recognition.
  4. None of the Judges knew that their deeds would be recorded in Bible, but if they did what difference would that make; live your life as if your faith was to be recorded for future generations.
  1. Samson: There is a difference in the source of strength and our action can cause us to lose out on our true strength which is God

Prov 22:6, Judges 13:1-5, 14:1-5, 15:14-19, 16:4-5 & 16-21

  1. There is a way to raise up our kids that aligns with God’s Will that will guide them through life.
  2. Only God might know initially how He plans to use you, your path might not make sense to anybody from the start.
  3. Our weakness can nullify our strength if we allow it to (recognizing triggers Samson’s first wife foreshadowed Delilah).
  4. God will strengthen us for victory.
  5. Are we aware when we are functioning on our strength, The Lord’s Strength or when the Lord has departed from us?.

9 Micah: Our religion can easily conform to the world if we’re not careful

Judges 17, 18:18-20 & 30-31, Exodus 20:4

  1. When we set the rules for worship we can do what we want (make idols, consecrate people).
  2. Is God pleased with us because we do a semblance of what He wants?
  3. What is our cost to compromise like the Levite did?
  4. The size of audience does not validate priest.
  5. It doesn’t matter who you have as priest if they are not upholding Law.

10 In those days…. God is our King, Civil war if we don’t respect God we will eventually destroy ourselves

Judges 17:6,7, 18:8, 19:1, 21:25, 19:9-16

  1. Our earthly authority is supposed to submit to God’s authority, but often does not due to people seeking a physical representative to rule over them.
  2. When people do not respect God they they can’t respect people.
  3. When there is no proper regard for God we are not safe amongst our own people.
  4. God’s people can and will do what condemns the world (concubine rape & Sodom).
  5. Our fighting solves nothing if we are fighting for the wrong reason.

    Femi Osibin

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