Category Archives: Uncategorized
Do a More Detailed Study of the Scriptures
Sometimes when I have chosen a specific text on which to preach, I do not always grasp the significance of it at first reading. Not only do I not preach always from “easy” texts, I intentionally try to preach from … Continue reading
Can a Christian Use Marijuana? (Luke 21:34-36)
When Rachel and I lived in Kentucky, there was an elderly widow in the congregation named Virginia. She has passed away now. But she lived alone and she was very independent. One day she was out mowing her yard on … Continue reading
Receiving God’s Favor Psalm 106
“Think of a kindergartner taking a calculus test. Because he’s only 5, the little tyke bombs the test and receives an ‘F’ atop his page. The teacher might show mercy, tear up his exam, and forgive his failure. But the … Continue reading
Music Breaks Down Barriers
Music is the language of the heart. The true expression of a people. We pass it down year after year, note by note, generation to generation. It is one way that generations connect from one to the next. Music also … Continue reading
The Bible Teaches Through Inferences
“To infer” means to “derive as a conclusion from facts or premises.” We absolutely have to infer what the Bible implies. Nowhere does the Bible teach that Paul Holland must do anything. I infer that I am obligated to do … Continue reading
Bible-Based Parenting A Modification of the “Time-Out” Chair
First, the Bible: “Now the word of the Lord came to Jonah the second time, saying “Arise, go to Nineveh the great city and proclaim to it the proclamation which I am going to tell you” (Jonah 3:1-2). Jonah did … Continue reading
Attempted contraband
INTRODUCTION: 1. One of the great needs of the world today is God-fearing fathers talking to or advising their sons. 2. One great cause of the “generation gap” – fathers are too busy to train their sons. 3. Eph. 6:4; … Continue reading
A Father Talks to His Son 1 Chronicles 28:9-10
INTRODUCTION: 1. One of the great needs of the world today is God-fearing fathers talking to or advising their sons. 2. One great cause of the “generation gap” – fathers are too busy to train their sons. 3. Eph. 6:4; … Continue reading
Worship: Living in Awe of God Hebrews 10:21-22
When Rachel and I lived in Romania, our mission team decided that we would take 3-4 years to mail an advertisement for Bible study into all 100,000 homes in that city of 350,000 people. On one occasion, we mailed these … Continue reading
Surely God’s wisdom has preserved many letters of Paul for our consideration of what very mature Christian living looks like. In this text Paul challenges our view of both life and death. Let’s learn and be encouraged by him. Read … Continue reading