Chemistry of Confession

Chemistry is that branch of science that deals with the identification of substances of which matter is composed; it is the investigation of their properties and the way in which they interact, combine, and change.

Chemistry is a fascinating subject as all of life is based on chemistry – the interacting of substances. In this study, we will look at the nature of the confession that God expects us to make in order to be saved – the chemistry of confession.

How can we know that we have eternal life? Well, in chemistry, how do you know you have a molecule of water? You have two atoms of hydrogen and one atom of oxygen. When it comes to salvation, let’s see what the “Chemistry of Confession” includes…

It begins with knowing who God is. John tells us God is light (1 John 1:5), faithful and righteous (1:9).

What role does Jesus play in this plan of salvation? Observe John’s words in 2:1-2.

John writes in 3:5 that Jesus is right; He committed no sins. He is the only one who deserves to be in heaven.

The word “confess” is used five times in this letter. Look specifically at 2:23 and 4:15.

God expects us to confess His Son with our lips, to let others know that we do believe that Jesus is the Christ, the Son of God. We are immersed into Christ in the waters of baptism based on that conviction that we have in our hearts.

Jesus is God – 5:20. Jesus is God come in the flesh – 4:2. Jesus came to save us from our sins – 3:5. Those three aspects are the fundamental points of our confession of Christ which are needed to be saved.

But, that’s not all…
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We have to respond to Christ with a heart, a lifestyle, that reflects the confession we make with our lips: 1:7; 2:3, 6, 17.

One fundamental commandment of Jesus Christ, though not the only one, is to love our brothers in Christ. So important is “love,” that John uses the word 46 times in this letter!

There are some other aspects of our obedience that John mentions in this letter:
We must remain faithful in Him – 2:28; 4:9
We must practice righteousness – 2:29; 3:7
We must keep His commandments – 2:3, 17. In fact, so important are the commandments of Christ that John mentions them fourteen times in this letter.
We must work at keeping ourselves pure – 3:3
And, finally, we must continue to confess our sins – 1:9-10.

So, chemistry of confession begins with God and includes Christ. We add in confession of Christ and mix it with obedience to His commands.

All of that chemistry results in…salvation. When you believe in God and you listen to His word, and then believe in Jesus Christ with all of your heart and repent of your sins and obey Jesus’ commands, it leads to salvation: 3:2; 5:4, 12.

Confess by word and action that you are convinced Jesus Christ is the Son of the Living God.

–Paul Holland

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