God’s Word is still the best seller – so much so that book lists simply leave it off. The American Bible Society released its survey of the “State of the Bible” for 2012. Eighty-two percent of Americans still view the Bible as sacred literature. Sixty-nine percent of Americans believe the Bible contains everything a person needs to live a meaningful life.
However, there is a gap between beliefs and practice. When asked about certain spiritual truths, less than half of Americans (46%) could not distinguish between biblical teaching, the Muslims’ Koran, and the Book of Mormon.
The President of the American Bible Society, Lamar Vest, commented, “Americans buy the Bible, they debate the Bible, they love the Bible… they just don’t read the Bible.”
The Paris church of Christ would like to see that changed. We have had two major door-knocking campaigns in the last three years. Approximately 200 of our neighbors have signed up to study the Bible through the mail.
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The Bible is God’s complete revelation to man (2 Timothy 3:16-17). We do not need anything else. The Bible is also God’s final revelation to man (Jude 3; Galatians 1:6-9). Nothing else has been revealed from God. The Bible is God’s mind written in man’s language (1 Corinthians 2:12-13). It has power no other writing can have.
The Bible will open our eyes (Psalm 119:130) and purify our hearts (John 17:17). It will truly help us live meaningful lives. It will help us be better husbands and better wives, better parents and better children. It will help you treat well your friends and teach you how to deal with your enemies. Ultimately, we will be judged by what is in the Bible (John 12:48).
Love the Bible more after you have studied it. Debate the Bible only after you have studied it.