Do you see yourself as a servant?

But you know of his proven worth that he served me in the furtherance of the gospel…

(Philippians 2:22)

Typically, when we mention great servants in the Bible Timothy is not a name mentioned.  However, Paul would have mentioned him.  His accolades for Timothy in the Philippian letter are impressive.   Timothy had a “kindred spirit” with Paul; he showed a “genuine concern for your (the Philippians) welfare.”  While others were about self, Timothy sought for the good of Jesus, the Gospel and the apostle Paul.  When it came to Timothy, there was a whole lot of serving going on!

But the phrase that catches my attention is this: “…his proven worth….”  The word Paul uses there is dokimazo.  It is a word that describes one given a test or job, and he/she passed with flying colors, even surpassing what was expected.  Jesus might say “he went the second mile.”

Point to Ponder

·    Do you see yourself as a servant?  We are all expected to serve (see Matthew 20:26-28).  In the Parable of the Talents, the Lord says “well done thou good and faithful __________________” (I suspect you know what goes in the blank!  – Matthew 25:21, 23)

Point of Action

·    The present situation has made serving more difficult, right? Yet there are still opportunities, and there is still a divine expectation!

·    What are ways we can still be of service?  Who in our lives could use some extra help right now?

Denny Petrillo

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