Enduring to the End Matthew 24:12-13


    During life we meet people who have a high degree of steadfastness. They are wonderfully impressive because they are always the same – not ‘up one day and down on the the world the next.’ When others slide, they remain firm; and when others turn back, they continue to go forward. They are always raising the moral temperature no matter where they are. In contrast, how often do we see a person who finds himself growing weary before the goal is reached?

    Jesus, who calls me to follow Him, well understands this spiritual peril. He has set before us His own example of steadfastness for our encouragement. Jesus established for Himself certain principles at the very beginning of His ministry. Jesus has set the example, now let us consider some of the principles that must be understood and followed in order to remain faithful to the end.


    Paul begs us to walk worthy of that calling wherein we are called: Ephesians 4:1.

    No man can be faithful to Jesus without being tried. John 15:18-19.

    Paul and Barnabas, in Lystra, Iconium and Antioch, exhorted Christians to continue in the faith, and that we must through much tribulation enter into the kingdom of God (Acts 14:21-22).

    Paul said all who live godly shall suffer persecution (2 Tim 3:12).

    Failure often comes to people because they do not realize their duties or because they ignore them.

    Christ did not welcome every one into the company of His disciples on just any terms. Luke 9:57-62.

    Mark 10:17-22, the story of the rich young ruler.

    The spirit that is necessary for final success is a sacrificing spirit. Matt 10:35-39. It must also be a steadfast spirit (1 Cor 15:58). And, it must be a spirit of faithfulness (Rev 2:10).


    Failure will surely come if we lose sight of what we are trying to do.

    Jesus’ example – Matt. 4:11-1 – “Serve the Father” was His goal. John 5:30 – He did not seek His own will but the will of His Father.

    The testimony of Scripture is that we need to make it our aim to be accepted by Him (2 Cor. 5:9). We must forget things that are behind and press toward the mark of high calling before us (Phil 4:12-14).

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    We also need to look to Jesus, the author and finisher of our faith (Heb 12:2).


    There is no room for half-heartedness at anytime if we want spiritual success. Jesus warned His disciples they might be put out of the synagogue and killed because their persecutors did not know Him nor His Father (John 16:1-3).

    The adversary the devil is walking about as a roaring lion seeking whom he may devour (1 Peter 5:8).

    This means we must not rely on our own strength because many who are stronger than we have long since given way in the struggle. God will always provide a way of escape out of temptation (1 Cor 10:13). We can count it joyful when we have been tempted, and we reject it, because the experience works patience, which can bring about perfection (James 1:2-8). We should pray that God strengthens our faith.

    The true spirit of consecration is reflected in the prayer of Jesus, “not My will but Yours be done” (Luke 22:42).

    This idea is forcefully illustrated by the story of how the song “Take My Life and Let it Be” came to be written…

    The author, Miss Frances Ridley Havergal, was a brilliant woman. She was a talented musician and vocalist. She considered all her talents as belonging to the Lord. She would not even sing, except sacred music, and that for the purpose of winning souls. She spent her short life writing books, letters, leaflets, and teaching Sunday school.

    On one occasion, she was visiting in a home where ten people were and saw they were not God’s people or were not happy in his service. She greatly desired that they all come to know the Lord as she did, and immediately began to see if she could not bring that desire to reality. Before she left the house, she had the satisfaction of knowing her desire has been fulfilled. On the last night of her stay, she was too happy to sleep, and spent the night writing this beautiful hymn…

the late Wayne Holland
a sermon preached in:
Bayou La Batre, AL 10/22/78
Hayesville, NC 11/29/81
Roxboro, NC 2/14/88
Henderson, NC 4/6/97

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