Fire In My Bones Jeremiah 45-49


    God warns Baruch not to get weak-kneed, lose his courage, in the face of this disaster. Instead, he needed to stay faithful to God and God will allow him to live.


    Egypt has been mentioned in Jeremiah 62 times. Egypt had a formidable army. God calls on Egypt’s army to muster, to get itself in battle array, but it will be defeated. Notice verses 8, 10.

    Notice in verse 25 that God says He is going to punish these Egyptian cities “along with her gods.” Idolatry was a major motivation for God’s punishment of Egypt. 


    The Philistines had long been enemies of Israel. God is bringing warriors into Philistia and He will conquer and destroy their prominent cities (verses 4, 6). The coastland cities of Tyre (25:22; 27:3; 47:4) and Sidon (25:22; 27:3; 47:4)  are mentioned in connection with Philistia. 

    We do know from secular history that Ashkelon was taken by Nebuchadnezzar in 604 B. C. and her inhabitants were carried into exile to Babylon.

THE JUDGMENT OF MOAB – chapter 48:

    The Babylonians will conquer Moab and make her cease to exist as a nation (vers. 2). As far as Moab is concerned, one of her great sins was arrogance (vers. 7). Her god, Chemosh, will be hauled off into exile, illustrating the impotence of their national god.

    Moab had put her faith in her military (vers. 14) but her warriors will be killed. God is referred to as “King” for the second time here at verse 15. Moab was haughty, sitting in “glory” (vers. 18) but she will be destroyed (vers. 20).

    Babylon invaded Moab, Ammon, and Judah in 582 B. C. 


    Chapter 49 will congregate the rebuke of five nations or people groups together as Jeremiah rebukes each of them for their sins and their idolatry.

    Ammon – 49:1-6:

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    “Milcom” (vers. 1; 4x, 3x “Malcam””) is the god of the Ammonites. “Malcam” will be carried into exile with her priests and princes, showing her impotence (vers. 3).

    Ammon was also “boastful” (vers. 4). She thought she was untouchable. Except, she forgot God. But God will not completely give her up (vers. 6; 48:47). 

    Edom – 49:7-22:

    As with the destruction of Sodom and Gomorrah (vers. 18), God will destroy Edom. No one will stop Jehovah God! Her destruction is pictured as an earthquake in verse 21. The noise of her destruction is heard all the way to the Red Sea. The eagle will swoop in (vers. 22). The warriors will cry like a woman in labor (vers. 22; cf. 48:41).

    Damascus – 49:23-27:

    God will destroy Damascus and her cities, setting fire to the towers of Ben-had (vers. 27).

    Kedar and Hazor – 49:28-33:

    These towns lived in security, thinking that no one could touch them. But God could. And He did, through Babylon. We know that Nebuchadnezzar invaded Kedar in 599 B. C. 

    Elam – 49:34-39:

    The bow (vers. 35) was a military weapon; since God is going to break her bow, it suggests her pride was in her military. Elam will be destroyed and her peoples will be scattered.  Yet, God will not make a complete destruction of Elam (vers. 39). There were Elamites present on the day of Pentecost (Acts 2:9). 

Next week:
The Finale!
Jeremiah 50-52 — Paul Holland

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