“The mind of the intelligent seeks knowledge,
But the mouth of fools feeds on folly.”
(Proverbs 15:14)
The word “folly” means things that are totally without wisdom and understanding and completely absent of God. Wait. Does that one word describe modern books, magazines, movies, songs, actors, politicians, musicians, and…? We could compose quite a list of follies! That is because folly is everywhere.
The reason folly is everywhere is because of the principle of “supply and demand.” There are lots of fools in the word, and fools “feed on folly.” Hence there is a lot of folly!
This proverb is issuing an urgent plea to take a different course. The intelligent are going on a different “diet plan” than the fool. Breaking this down, there are several important truths.
First, it is the “mind” of the intelligent being discussed. Here a person has made a mental decision: “I am going to seek knowledge. I am not going to blindly feed myself on the so-called wisdom of the fools (mentioned above).” Solomon says in 16:9 that it is the “mind” of man that plans his way. In this case, the mind is planning to be intelligent.
Second, this is the course of the “intelligent.” This word means “to have insight; to be perceptive.” This is the person that pauses long enough to realize that the diet of fools is going to make them spiritually unhealthy. They got the proverbial “wake-up call” (see Psalm 94:8). What the intelligent desire is clearly stated in Proverbs 2:9.
Third, this is the course of the one who “seeks knowledge.” Knowledge in the Bible is good, solid, legitimate information. It is the truth as opposed to that which is “falsely called knowledge” (1 Timothy 6:20). Fearing the Lord is the beginning point to obtaining knowledge (Proverbs 1:7; cf. 9:10). How many of the fools listed above fear God? Not many, right? So why then would anybody go to them to find this good information? God’s word is truth (John 17:17).
The obvious truth in this Proverb? Go to God. Go to God’s word. Therein lies the best diet of all. “For the Lord gives wisdom; from His mouth come knowledge and understanding” (Proverbs 2:6).
Denny Petrillo