John 10:10

Making the Most of an Abundant Life:
Wired for Purpose
John 10:10

Our congregation is full of nature lovers. If you are, you’ll understand this illustration. A “niche” is the role an animal (or plant) species plays in an ecosystem. You might say a “niche” is the animal/plant’s profession. In any area, you can have many different species of birds, for example, because each species has a different niche. You can find more than two dozen different species of birds in a forest because they live in different parts of the forest and they eat different types of insects in the same forest. So, there is not much competition between the birds because they have different niches.

In John 10:10, Jesus said to His disciples: “I came that they may have life, and have it abundantly.” We want to live a life that has meaning, purpose, and enjoys fulfillment. An important part of living that abundant life is finding our niche, not just in the church but in life in general.

What is your niche? What is your purpose in life?

First, we have been given a purpose in life. Listen to a few passages from inspired writers: Romans 12:3-8; 1 Peter 4:10-11; 1 Corinthians 12:4-11.

So, what about you? Make a mental picture of who you want to be – imprint that picture in your mind and visualize it frequently. You will grow into the person you envision yourself to be.
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First, reflect on who you are and what you like. Are you a “people person” or do you like to work alone? What do you like or dislike? Do you prefer to think or do you prefer to do? Do you like working outside or inside? Do you like working with numbers or with words? Taking a personality test can be very beneficial in determining what type of personality you have. There is a personality test available at or You can also learn what jobs might be appropriate for someone with your personality.

John Maxwell, who writes a lot on leadership, says we should focus 70% of our time and energy on our strengths. Devote 25% of your energy and time on learning new things. “Growth equals change” (54; The 21 Indispensable Qualities of a Leader). Especially learn new things related to your area of strengths. Finally, give 5% of your time and energy to your weaknesses.

Second, try various areas of service to see what natural talents you might enjoy.

Third, get skilled and educated in those areas where you have an interest and natural talents. If you receive an education in an area where you are naturally talented, you can reach your potential much more easily.

Each one of us is created in God’s image, designed to contribute in our own unique way to the betterment of humanity and for the betterment of the church. Glorify God in your life.

Your fellow-servant in Christ,
Paul Holland

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