Keep a Stiff Upper Lip!

    The expression seems to have originated in New England. Of course, literally, it means “Don’t let your lip quiver, as if you are about to cry.” In other words, “Don’t be a baby.”

    The story is told of a singer who, making her debut on radio, was advised by a friend experienced in radio technique, to “keep a stiff upper lip.” Unfortunately, the novice was so flustered and nervous that she took the advice literally. The result was that she failed her first audition.

    God frequently calls on His followers to “be courageous.” That specific command is found 73 times throughout the Bible, from Deuteronomy 31:6 to 2 Corinthians 10:2. In a similar way, in Ezekiel 2:1, God tells the prophet: “Son of man, stand on your feet that I may speak with you!” As if to emphasize the command, the Spirit enters Ezekiel (3:24) and makes him stand on his feet! It is as if to say, “You can’t serve me sitting down!”

    God wants His followers to have a backbone. Humility is one thing. God demands we have humility toward Him and toward one another. But humility does not mean doing nothing out of fear of failure. In fact, the command, “Do not fear” is found 58 times throughout the Bible, from Genesis 15:1 to Revelation 2:10.

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    We get nervous (I get nervous) when we are doing something new. We are afraid of failure. We are afraid of humiliating ourselves. We are afraid of not doing as well as the other person. But “can’t never could because “can’t” never tried! That’s what my mom always said.

    That’s similar to God’s message to us. Be courageous. Do not fear. Stand on your feet. Quit using excuses. Do something more this year for Jesus than you did last year for Jesus. Paul wrote in 1 Corinthians 15:58: “Therefore, my beloved brethren, be steadfast, immovable, always abounding in the work of the Lord, knowing that your toil is not in vain in the Lord.” In the next chapter (16:13), Paul says, “Be on the alert, stand firm in the faith, act like men, be strong.” “Act like men” is not chauvinistic; it’s a metaphor for “keep a stiff upper lip!”

    Stand strong for Christ. Stand strong against Satan. Stand strong against the fears that keep us from greater service.

Paul Holland

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