Leaving a Legacy of Wisdom

    Most of us don’t like making mistakes. We do all we can to make the right decisions at the time because we don’t like being wrong. The problem, though, is that we are human and therefore limited. So, we make mistakes, even though we don’t like it. The good side of making mistakes, however, is that it gives us wisdom – it ought to give us wisdom – so that we don’t make the same mistakes twice. Herb Caen said, “A man begins cutting his wisdom teeth the first time he bites off more than he can chew.”

    Some things are not learned in school. There are certain things that a classroom cannot teach us. There is wisdom that comes only from God, which He teaches us through His word and its application into the normal affairs of life.

    Dads, it is our responsibility to teach our children God’s wisdom. School gives them knowledge but dads must teach wisdom. Every father worth his salt desires wisdom for his sons and daughters. Knowledge comes from looking around. Wisdom comes from looking up.

    In Ephesians 6:4, Paul writes: “Fathers, bring up your children in the instruction of the Lord.”


    A part of being the head of the family is that we need to take a leading role in teaching our children. It cannot be delegated. You can’t call the church into this role or the school and certainly not society. The church can supplement but the church can never replace.

    Dads, when you are down on the floor playing with your children when they are little – playing with dolls or animals or Little People, which was the girls’ favorite toys – or Hot Wheels or army men – and you keep up that physical closeness to them for the next 10-12 years, then you will have the emotional closeness you need to teach them God’s wisdom.


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    What we do teach our children must be anchored in the word of God. If we are going to share God’s wisdom with our children, we must know God’s wisdom. What we teach our children must be grounded in the word of God – book, chapter, verse.

    I have been homeschooling Ana for the past 9 months in physics. The problem is / was that I do not know physics. I’ve never studied physics before. I am learning physics at the same time she is learning physics. I can’t say, “I’m teaching Ana physics.” Because I do not know physics! The same thing, obviously, is true with the Bible. You can’t teach what you do not know.

    Dads, you and I need to know the Bible. We must have our own, personal, daily Bible study habits. If you feed your own mind with the word of God on a daily basis, then when your child asks you a question, you will share with them the spiritual water from your own spiritual well that you have dug deeply into the word of God.


    Although Christianity is theology, it is more than that. It is daily behavior that flows from choices we make. In other words, our teaching must be practical. To go back to the book of Proverbs, that book is full of practical wisdom. It deals with listening, with controlling our tongue, our attitudes, our thoughts, our actions.

    Dads, we celebrate the important role we have in our children’s life. Teach them personally, biblically, and practically.

Paul Holland

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