Making the Unacceptable Acceptable

In a world where many values and standards are constantly changing, where unacceptable is suddenly being considered acceptable, one might begin to wonder whether good and bad or right and wrong even still exist.  How can we know? Who sets the standard?  Are there any absolutes when it comes to right and wrong, acceptable and unacceptable?  Fortunately for the child of God, God’s word allows us to easily determine that which is right and that which is wrong and therefore to know the difference between acceptable and unacceptable good and evil.

Sadly there are those determined to make everything God declares as unacceptable, acceptable.  To accomplish their objective they use “sleight of hand,” “misdirection,” or just plain old lies.  One current way this is done is changing what we call something unacceptable to a different name or designation to suddenly make it appear acceptable.  This “sleight of hand” has been extremely effective.

Think for just a moment how filthy language is now used and accepted almost everywhere by many.  Consider the current “accepted” dress and fashion.

Another method used to make unacceptable acceptable is justification based on the circumstances.  This is called “Situation Ethics.”  This belief says there is no absolute right or wrong but rather circumstances dictate what is right or wrong.  It is OK to lie, cheat, or steal as long as the circumstances or objective warrant it. This is a lie. The ends do not justify the means!  Others say “let the majority decide what is acceptable.”

Too many of these philosophies and beliefs have infiltrated the Lord’s church.  Many do not accept the authority of the Eldership but push rather for a “democratic” oversight of the church. (Acts 20:28; 1 Pet 5:2) There is a push to allow unacceptable acts of worship such as instruments of music, women in leadership roles, and people centered worship in place of God centered or Biblical worship.
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The Bible is considered by some as outdated, irrelevant, or merely suggestions rather than Gods inspired inerrant word to be obeyed. The emphasis and focus of teaching and preaching in the church and in homes has turned away from the Bible and shifted to philosophy and position papers. (Isa 30:9-11) “Man’s doctrine” has replaced plain Bible teaching on the Christian life. (Matt 15:3-6)  Even a blind eye is cast to those living an open worldly life while still in fellowship with the church. (Luke 16:13; 1 Cor 5:2, 11)

To promote numbers and budgets, the thrust of congregations has shifted from seeking to save the lost to “how can we attract more people with fancy facilities and entertainment.” Sound doctrine is compromised to keep attendance high and contributions flowing to the treasury. (2 Tim 4:3-4) All of these current innovations and changes are simply attempts by man to make that which is unacceptable to God, acceptable.

The gospel is still God’s power to save (Rom 1:16) and faith still comes by hearing the word of God. (Rom 10:17)  Five times in the New Testament we are warned to “not be deceived.”  We know better.  God tells us what is acceptable.  Let no one convince us otherwise. (Rom 12:1-2)

Randy Reagan

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