Though our comments will by no means be comprehensive, the hope is that it will shed some light on this chapter and a misunderstood concept.

The apostle Paul appeals especially to Abraham here as he makes a case for justification by faith. This was necessary primarily because of the attachment of the Jews to circumcision and the law of Moses.

The justification (right standing of Abraham before God) is made here a model for all humanity, including both Jew and Gentile. What was the basis of his justification? It wasn’t his works (v. 2). Abraham could not and did not do enough to earn his justification. It was not his adherence to the law of Moses, because the law had not even been given yet. It was not His circumcision, because he was counted righteous before he was circumcised (v. 10).

Instead, it was on account of his faith. It should be noted that God “counted” him as righteous on the basis of his faith. In other words, he had not earned this status, but God imputed it to him anyway. Though we could focus on many other important aspects of this chapter, think briefly about the faith of Abraham, whose son or daughter we are, if we walk in “the footsteps of his faith” (v. 12).

Even in this last expression, the inspired text indicates that there are footsteps for faith to walk in. It is misguided to use this chapter and this book to suggest that salvation comes through faith alone (see James 2:17). Our faith needs to resemble the faith of Abraham. We need to “share” his faith (v. 16), the kind that led him to be justified.

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Still, instead of his faith waning, it grew stronger (v. 20). This is not to say that he never entertained other thoughts, and this itself is insightful to our justification by faith. We will not be justified because we never waver! Ultimately, we can only be “counted righteous” through Christ (vv. 24-25).

The faith of Abraham trusted the Lord and acted upon that trust in faithful adherence to what he was told. He left his homeland and he even came within seconds of offering up his only son through which God’s promises were to be fulfilled. (Note the reference to his faith and the faith of many others in Hebrews 11. By faith he, and they, acted upon the will of the Lord.)

The faith that will allow us to be justified by the Lord is the same. It is faith that obeys but also a faith that is dependent upon the grace of God. Let us seek to have a faith like Abraham so God will count us as righteous!

Daren Schroeder

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