In verse 1 Paul asserts what he has proven in chapter 4, that justification is by faith, not by the law of Moses or human works. Now he begins sharing why this is so significant (and certainly why his fellow Jews ought not to turn back to Moses).
Jesus brought the possibility of peace with God that could not otherwise exist (v. 1). Jesus is our peace! (see Eph. 2:14). Paul’s fellow Jew also obtained a grace (favor with God) that was only available through Christ. As John said: “For the law was given through Moses; grace and truth came through Jesus Christ” (Jn. 1:16).
Next notice that the peace and grace they found in Christ led them to a rejoicing not previously known. This was a rejoicing “in hope” (v. 2) and also a rejoicing in “sufferings” (v. 3). The rejoicing in hope is easier to understand, at least until Paul explains further. The law only brought ultimate hope in expectation, through pointing to the coming of the Messiah. In Jesus, hope is realized. Hope brings joy.
Rejoicing in hope and in sufferings seem at first to be so unrelated or even contrary to one another, but Paul argues that they are not. Notice the reasoning of Paul in verses 3-5 (read). Suffering is able to produce an endurance that would be hard to obtain under ideal circumstances (v. 3). Endurance leads to the forging of character and some of the greatest virtues that can be obtained (v. 4). Genuine character then produces hope! (v. 5). Remember this when you go through difficult times! Though no one desires them, they can make us stronger and help fortify our hope! When we truly harness Christian hope, it produces joy!
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In verses 6-11 Paul sets out the basis of that hope. He describes the radical love that made it possible. The Christian’s hope is not rooted in what he has done, but in what Christ did. (In reality, there was nothing man could do.) The righteous One died for unrighteous humanity (us), to make hope a reality. On the basis of what God and His Son did, mankind can be justified, saved, and reconciled. Notice Paul begins to use the expression “much more” in verse 9 and repeatedly going forward in this chapter. Also note the phrase “more than that” in verse 11. These expressions demonstrate the depth of hope that the work of God has accomplished as well as the greatness of the joy available through Christ.
Time will not permit a discussion of this, but verses 12-21 beautifully describe how death entered this world through one man (Adam) and yet grace abounds far more through the single sacrifice of Christ. Romans 5 is a chapter that truly fortifies our hope and joy in the Lord!
Daren Schroeder