The Bush that Wouldn’t Burn Exodus 3:10-15

    A little boy was playing baseball by himself. And he was overheard saying, “I’m the greatest hitter in the world!” He threw the ball up in the air and swung and missed! “Strike one!” He yelled out. He was not discouraged. He picked up the ball, threw it up in the air again and swung again. He missed. “Strike two!” He said, “I am the greatest hitter in the world!” He picked the ball up again and threw it into the air, swung, and missed again! Then he was heard saying, “Wow! Strike three! What a pitcher! I am the greatest pitcher in the world!”

    How often do you “suffer” from over-confidence? Rarely? How frequently do you suffer from a lack of confidence? You know, there aren’t very many men and women in the Bible who suffered from overconfidence. Most of the men and women who were overconfident actually turned their backs on God and quit staying faithful to Him. It is those who are under-confident who tend to stay faithful to God but that brings up a challenge. For those of us who doubt our own abilities… how can we find the courage to do what we don’t think we can do?

    Take a new look at an old story – Moses talking to God at the burning bush. We will take two days to go through this text.


    The “west side” of the wilderness would have been an out-of-the-way place, a perfect place for Moses to have a conversation with the God of heaven. “Mountain peak” experiences are often life-changing. The last “mountain peak” experience Moses had was talking to Jesus face to face in Matthew 17. You and I will experience one last “mountain peak” experience when we, too, see God face to face (Matt. 5:3). 


    The place where Moses was standing, because it was in the presence of Jehovah God, was now holy. No hour of the week is as significant and as holy as the hour that we come into the presence of God to worship.

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    “I am who I am” (3:14) – There is some ambiguity in the Lord’s answer here: “What does that mean?” That ambiguity is clarified as we read through the book of Exodus.

    “‘I am’ has sent me to you.” That conveys presence, power, self-existence. There are no words which describe God that limit Him to a person, a place, or an event.

    “I am the LORD God of your fathers…” This is the God who brought Jacob down into Egypt and promised Him that He would bring Israel back out of Egypt.

    “I am the Lord” over humanity! This is seen in God making Moses’ mouth (4:11) and working through Pharaoh’s obstinacy (14:4) as well as His destruction of the Egyptian army!

    “I am the Lord” over nature. The ten plagues, in all of which God manipulates nature, showing the power and authority of Jehovah God.

    “I am the Lord” over false gods (12:12).

Paul Holland

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