The key concept or basis of what Paul says in these verses is that “the Lord is at hand” (v. 5). Since the Lord is “at hand,” or near, these admonitions are indeed possible.

The idea here is that God is not a distant and uncaring God, but rather a God who sees, a God who knows, a God who hears, and a God who cares. We see in this text the comfort that comes through knowing our God.

It is natural for several things to result, or be possible, by virtue of the fact that our Lord is a loving heavenly Father who is near. Let’s consider four such things from our text, along with the great final blessing mentioned here.


This is made possible through what the Philippians have “in Christ.” They are told, “Rejoice in the Lord.” In Ephesians 1:3 Paul indicates that every spiritual blessing is found in Christ. This includes being redeemed from sin and being forgiven. Paul had just alluded to saints who had their names written in the book of life! (see 4:3).

This statement is not true in every sense, but I like to say: “The worst thing that could happen to a child of God is that he or she might die, but in doing so they would go to live forever with God in heaven!” Paul said nothing can separate us from the love God (see Rom. 8:37-39).

Now none of this means that Christians must be just “happy-go-lucky” kind of people all of the time. We know that Christians suffer. Sometimes they suffer bitterly. But even then, because of the nearness of God, they can retain a certain amount of joy and peace.


Where the word “reasonableness” appears in the ESV, other versions use a host of other words. For example:
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The NIV and the NKJV – “gentleness”

The KJV – “moderation”

The ASV – “forbearance”

The concept here is that Christians, even in difficult situations, are to be known for their patient and collected demeanor. They are not just rash and brash. They try to think things through.

Once again, it is the nearness of the Lord which supplies the fortitude the Christian needs to be that kind of person. Because of the nearness of the Lord, Christians can dig down deep to find needed patience and long-suffering. The nearness of God casts a positive shadow on the difficulties of life, and it becomes evident to others.

Reflecting on the nearness of God can allow us to take hold of life rather than allowing life to take hold of us.

We will plan to finish our thoughts concerning this text next week. Until then, “rejoice in the Lord” and “let your reasonableness be known to everyone,” because the Lord is indeed near, and He cares more than we can know!

Daren Schroeder

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