The Spartan Shield

Have you seen the movie 300? It is based on the battle of Thermopylae, one of the most inspiring examples of courage in military conflict in human history. The Spartans were the warrior society in ancient Greece. They were known for the courage, their strength, and their stamina. Former Marine Simon Sinek writes that it was not the sharpness of their spears but the strength of their shields that were the key to their victory. If a Spartan lost his shield, it was the epitome of disgrace. If the Spartan lost his helmet or his breastplate in war, it was excused with no penalty. But if he lost his shield, he lost his rights as a citizen. The reason? The helmet and the breastplate were for his protection while the shield helped protect the whole army.

The strength of the church of Christ is not how one individual lives the Christian life but in how the cumulative body, in a local area, lives the Christian life, working together, supporting, encouraging, forgiving, one another. The strength of the church is its “brotherhood,” its unity (1 Peter 2:17).

That’s why it is so important for the church to accept new members on equal footing with older, more mature members. It is the Holy Spirit that makes us one, united body (1 Cor 12:13). So, we receive one another, despite our strengths or weaknesses (Romans 14:1 and 15:1). A new Christian, or one who has become associated with the congregation, will know if he or she is “protected” by your shield. They will feel valued. Their talents or gifts will be sought and utilized for their unique contribution to the health of the whole. They will feel like they belong, not like they are an unnecessary appendage. They will experience open communication with others in the body, from the leadership down.

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And the “shield” will work to protect the whole body from the fiery darts of the wicked one.

Paul Holland

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