When Jewell was in middle school and high school, it was not uncommon for her to read a book and that book get made into a movie. And then the whole family went to see the movie. The movie Life of Pi was one of those books / movie. The lone survivor of a shipwreck must find a way to survive in the middle of the Pacific Ocean all alone. Following the catastrophe at sea, in which his parents and most of their zoo animals were tragically killed, Pi, the lone survivor, finds himself on a small lifeboat, adrift at sea with a few zoo animals to keep him company. As Pi moves further from the shipwreck, he drifts into danger; whales and sharks smell blood in the water, and a hungry hyena and tiger wait to pounce.
In this month’s passage, the recipients of the letter of Hebrews are warned not to “drift away,” for, like Pi, if they do, we will drift into danger.
Hebrews was addressed primarily to Christians with a Jewish background. These early believers were being tempted to go back to Judaism and the old law. So the inspired author urges Christians to focus on the truth of Jesus Christ. The verb “to drift away” is not used anywhere else in the NT.
The author concludes by reminding Christians why we believe the gospel in the first place. The message was first preached by Christ (v. 3); then it was affirmed by his apostles (v. 3); it was accompanied by miraculous signs and wonders (v. 4); and it was finally brought to its complete end with the sending of the Holy Spirit at Pentecost and gifts were given to the church (v. 4).
The author quotes Psalm 8. That psalm focuses on man as the crown and jewel of God’s creation. Jesus as the new man, the ideal man. In this passage, the author sees Jesus as one who attained glory through suffering. The writer will talk a lot about suffering through his letter.
Jesus achieved glory and honor through suffering and death (v. 9). As followers of Christ, we must be ready to do the same. Suffering is a normal part of life, especially of the Christian life. Christ warned his followers that they would suffer for his name’s sake. We must accept this truth, count the cost, and bear our cross and endure our suffering patiently, like Jesus, knowing that glory awaits those who remain faithful.
The preexistent Son of God took on flesh and blood and became human in the person of Jesus Christ to redeem humanity from the curse of sin. Where Adam was disobedient concerning God’s command relative the fruit of the Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil, Christ was obedient even to death.
Just as Jesus submitted to God, let us submit ourselves to Him daily. He is always by our side in times of temptation.
Paul Holland