Thoughts on Counseling the Suicidal

    There are seven incidents of suicide (or acting in a way that brings one’s own death) in the Bible: Abimelech (Judges 9:54), Samson (16:28-31), Saul (1 Sam 31:1-6), his armor bearer (1 Chronicles 10:5), Ahithophel (2 Sam 17:23) and Zimri (1 Kings 16:18), in the OT. In the NT, we only have the account of Judas (Matt 27:3-5).

    Suicide is tragic and it seems to be on the rise. There are some who take their own lives because they have some mental illness that causes them to be unstable. Only God knows their spiritual condition that moment they take their own life. Those of us on the “outside” nearly always look at their life and ask, “Why?!?”

    Sometimes people act on impulse. They are upset over some crisis they experience, or a perceived crisis. An opportunity is present and, instead of thinking through their decision, they end their crisis by ending their life. Sometimes people are depressed, which ties in with the mental illness issue above. Sometimes, people, especially the elderly, think they need to escape from chronic pain by ending their lives. They may also perceive themselves as being a burden on others and they don’t want that.

    There are those, especially teenagers, who think they can get revenge on their parents or a boyfriend or girlfriend if they take their own life. It is a method of punishing someone else.

    Suicide affects everyone involved. This is not a victim-less crime. The hurt and confusion felt by the surviving family and friends will last a lifetime. Almost everyone who commits suicide has talked about it before. Suicidal tendencies are not genetic; they don’t run in families. It is also true that one is not always suicidal. Neither is it true that Christians do not commit suicide.

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    You and I ought to take our family members and friends seriously if they attempt or hint or threaten suicide. If you see someone whose behavior has changed dramatically for no apparent reason, take it seriously. Also, be sensitive to someone who has experienced a major crisis in his / her life.

    In counseling one who is talking of suicide, you and I have three main goals. First, help the person stay alive. Second, help the person consider how he / she arrived at this mental decision. Third, help him or her see that changes can be made that will keep this behavior from happening again.

    Next Friday, we’ll consider more specific thoughts about how to handle someone who is hinting at suicide. You can be the counselor that saves a life.

Paul Holland

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