I was recently involved in a conversation with a friend concerning our need for leadership in our country and the importance of praying for our leaders. (1 Tim 2:1-2) In discussing specifically what we should ask for them, the easy thought was “to be good leaders.” However, this friend suggested that rather than pray for them to be good leaders, wouldn’t it be better to pray that they be good servants? Considering the state of leadership in our world today, I realized that if our current leaders needed anything, it was to be better servants. If we had better servants, we would automatically have better leaders. I am afraid many leaders across the spectrum have forgotten that they are servants of those they lead, if they ever knew or considered it to begin with.
This is so important, that seeing His disciples constantly bickering about who among them would be the greatest and would occupy the most prominent positions in the kingdom (Luke 9:46; 22:24; Mark 10:35-37), Jesus explained to them what a true leader was. Jesus said the leaders of the Gentiles “lord it over” their subjects. (Matt 22:25) But “it shall not be like that among you,” He said. (Matt 22:26) Instead, if they wanted to be great, they would have to become a servant. In fact, Jesus used Himself as the ultimate example when He said, “…. the Son of Man did not come to be served, but to serve, and to give His life a ransom for many.” (Matt 22:28) When Jesus washed the feet of the disciples, it was expressly to let them know that to be a true leader; they would have to become a servant. (Jn 13:12-15)
And so the teaching continues today to Christians. Elders are told to “shepherd the flock of God” but not as being “lords over those entrusted to you, but being examples to the flock.” (1 Pet 5:2-3) It was never intended that elders be “dictators” or “tyrants.” They care for the flock as a shepherd would the sheep. They “guard” us. (Acts 20:28) They lead us, by serving us.
Preachers are nothing more than servants, ministers to the Lord. (Rom 15:16, 25; Col 4:7; 1 Tim 4:6) When preachers elevate themselves to anything other than a servant of God, the Word of God, the Elders under whom they serve, and the congregation that they serve, they have ceased being true leaders in the Lord’s church.
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True leaders of the home are those men who serve their families. They serve their wives and children. The family was not created by God to provide servants to the men! In fact, husbands and wives are commanded to serve each other. (Eph 5:21) Do you think our homes would be happier, our marriages more solid, and our commitment to serve God more steadfast if families served each other rather than themselves?
So, the next time we offer prayers for our leaders, let us fervently pray that they will become better servants to God, to the church, to families, and to each other. (Jn 13:14)
Randy Reagan